My heart warms. “It’s strange that I found Him there, in that pit. But I did. Bianca helped. She talked about God, about His word and His promises, but when I thought we were done for, He was there. Bringing us out of the darkness.”
“As He always does.”
“Then there was the grenade—” I start.
“Grenade? I haven’t been fully briefed on what happened,” he adds.
“Yarrow Bridges threw a grenade at us, and all I could think about was Bianca. I threw myself on it, ready to take that blow if it meant she walked away, but it didn’t go off.”
I shake my head. “It exploded the second we were outside. It shouldn’t have been that long of a delay. There’s no logical reason why it didn’t kill me. The only thing that makes sense to me is that God had a reason for saving me again, and I want to use what’s left of my life, this second chance, to honor Him in every way I possibly can.”
“Again? How many times did you nearly die over there?”
“Twice,” I reply. “But I think He was there that first time, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“This might sound crazy, but I keep thinking about that man who saved me when Lucian had me. How he was just there, and I never saw him again. He told me that I had more to do in this life. Do you think it might be possible?—”
“That God sent someone to set you free? Brother, we need to do a Bible study.” Lance reaches out and grips my shoulder. “That’s amazing.”
“I have some significant savings left over from my time in the service, along with the inheritance I received after my parents passed. I already spoke to Pastor Redding, but I want to use it to build a church in that village. They’re rebuilding everything River destroyed, and I want to contribute. He’s going to talk to some of his friends and see if he can get an assistant pastor to come preach here, so we can go back, and he can help me get everything set up.”
“Silas, that’s amazing.”
I swallow hard, surprised that I’m far more nervous than I realized. “I’ll need time off. I know it will put a strain on the company, but I feel like Ineedto help them. As though it’s what I’m supposed to do.”
He smiles. “Don’t even worry about it,” he replies. “We’ve got it covered. Spreading The Word is bigger than what we do.”
Relief floods my system even as I’m possibly more nervous about what I’m going to ask next. “That’s not all, either. Listen, I know that I’m asking a lot of you already, but I’d like for you and Eliza to be Eloise’s godparents. I’m having her baptized Sunday.”
Lance’s eyes glisten with emotion. “Brother, we’d be honored.”
“There’s still more.”
He doesn’t even hesitate. “Then lay it on me. Anything you need.”
“I want to be baptized in the same river I first felt Him. Pastor Redding has agreed to baptize me when we return to that village in a couple of months. I want you there with me. If you’re willing. I know it’s asking a lot. I’m going to take Eloise too, I?—”
“It’s not asking a lot, and I would love to be there. I will be there.” Lance wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a crushing hug. “You have no idea how happy I am, Silas. How proud I am that you’ve found your faith.”
“I am too,” I reply as I pull away. “I know it’s going to take time to fully understand what it all means, but I know that I was saved for a reason. That there’s a purpose to my life and even if it’s not completely clear yet, it will be.”
“Amen to that, brother. Amen to that.”
It’s beenweeks since I last cooked, and it feels nice to be back in the kitchen. I was never one for elaborate meals, but tonight I’m determined to make it special. Eloise is coloring at the dining room table, singing happily along with the Christian playlist coming through the speakers.
I finish blending the mashed potatoes, then check the broccoli roasting in the oven, before stepping out onto the back porch to check the steaks I put on the grill.
Bianca’s standing on her porch, staring out at the ocean, her eyes closed, face tilted up toward the dimming sky.
She’s so beautiful.
So breathtaking.
The light that guided me home.