Page 87 of Perilous Healing

Silas lies back down on the ground, and I lie down beside him, taking his hand in mine.

“All right, I get it. I’m a third wheel.” Michael pushes up from the ground. “Five minutes though, guys. We have work still to do. And like I said, I’m not doing it all.”

I turn my face to Silas, surprised to find him already looking at me. “What is it?” I ask, cheeks heating.

“Just wondering how I ever survived without you.”

By the time day breaks,the guards, Yarrow, and Herman are all on their way toward an airplane hangar, about to board a flight that will take them back to the States and a trial that will land them in prison.

Apparently, one of Bradyn’s buddies at the FBI has been trying to nail River and Herman for years now, and we just handed him every bit of evidence he needs.

I stare down at the worn Bible that I pulled out of the medical building earlier and smile. God came through for us, just as He always does. But even though Silas and I just faced down the evilness of Yarrow and his father, I feel lighter than before. Exhausted, yet exhilarated.

Today, we’ll be heading home. In a few hours, Silas and I will be on a private plane, heading back to the small airport just outside of Hope Springs. He’ll get to see Eloise, and I’ll get to return to my home.

To my life.

Only this time, it’ll be even better than before. I smile at Silas when he turns toward me. Warmth spreads through my belly when he grins back. The darkness that’s been in his gaze ever since I saw him again is gone, leaving behind the bright light that he’d been for me when we’d been wandering through that jungle, barely surviving.

Abana steps up beside me. “You saved us.”

“I told you I would free you.”

“You did,” Abana replies. “But not all people keep their promises. You did.”

“I want you to have this.” I hold out the Bible, and she takes it.

“Are you certain?”

“I am.”

She smiles. “You gave us hope, Bianca. For that, we will be eternally grateful.”

“I didn’t do anything,” I tell her. “God did. He deserves your praise, not me.”

She smiles again. “We will continue to read this Bible.”

“Good.” My gaze finds Silas again.

“Ah, yes. You two belong together. Soul bound, as I would call it,” she says. “I am happy that you worked through whatever was between you.” When I turn to look at her, she adds, “It was easy enough to see.”

I laugh. “Things are definitely different.”

Abana loops her arm through mine. “But better.”

I nod. “Much, much better.”



Two Days Later

Showered, and wearing fresh clothes, I step up to the front door of Lance and Eliza’s house, my stomach a pit of nerves. It’s been nearly a month since I saw Eloise. And even though we video chatted and spoke on the phone, I’m still terrified she’s not going to want me back.

What if she’s grown so fond of Eliza and Lance that she doesn’t want to come home?

The door opens and Eliza rushes forward and throws her arms around me. “You’re back! Eloise! He’s here!” She tugs me into the house, and Eloise comes around the corner.