Page 75 of Perilous Healing

“He’s not allowed in the main house unless it’s time for him to return to his cell.”

“Do you not see that this is an extenuating circumstance?”

“They could be faking it,” he replies.

River arches a brow.

“I don’t have time for this,” I snap.

River’s gaze shifts to me. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s feverish. I need to take her somewhere to cool her down so the fever drops. She passed out.”

To his credit, he looks a bit fearful for his niece, though I imagine it has more to do with the fact that he needs her to do a job. “That is certainly problematic. Does she not have the medicine she needs?”

“Yes, but they are pills and, as you can see, she isn’t awake to swallow them. Abana says there’s a place I can take Bianca to cool her down. We need to do that.”

“No one’s allowed to leave this camp.”

“I am asking you to give me permission. Send a guard with us if need be. Send ten. It’s better than her dying, isn’t it?” I’m frantic. I know it, he knows it. But I can’t be bothered to care that he likely sees what I’m doing as begging. Honestly, I am.

He cocks his head to the side. “Fine. But I’m sending armed guards with you. Should you try and escape, they’ll put a bullet in you. Understand?”


“You go with him, take one other,” he tells the guard at the door.

“Yes, Sir.”

He glances past me again. “Oh, and take the pregnant one and her husband with you, too,” River adds. At my clearly confused expression, he adds, “Kill them first if they make any moves to escape.”

“Here,”Abana orders the guard. He pulls off to the side, then climbs out of the driver’s side of the off-road vehicle, taking the keys with him. The second armed guard climbs off next, both of them remaining near the vehicle, ensuring they’re not vulnerable to attack.

I can’t even be bothered to care because Bianca still hasn’t woken up, though the sounds she’s making are terrifying. Groans every few minutes, her skin so slick with sweat that it’s saturated her shirt, forcing it to cling to her like a second skin.

“This way.” Abana, Idra, and Laring head toward the river, so I follow, my heart growing heavier with each and every step. Why is this happening? Why her?

I can’t lose Bianca.

Not now.

Not ever.

I lost my parents.

My friends.


My sister.

Is it my fate to lose her, too?

“Take her into the center. It’s the deepest there,” Abana orders. “Idra will need to go with you as the current is quite strong. He can help steady you both.”


“Let me remove her shoes.” Abana makes quick work of Bianca’s shoes and socks, tossing them to the ground. “You go now.”