“We’re growing, that’s for sure,” Lance replies as he runs a hand through his auburn hair. “With the number of new clients we’re taking on, as well as the monitoring for our current ones and the aid we lend to Sherriff Vick as needed, the help is definitely appreciated.”
I doubt Lance ever thought his calling would turn into a large business like this, but it certainly has, and now Knight Security is the fastest-growing private security company on the East Coast.
“Elijah, any news to add?”
“Nope.” The tech lead crosses his arms. “We’ve had a relatively quiet month, no break-ins, so nothing to report on that end.”
“Good. Let’s hope it stays that way.” Lance sets the clipboard down. “All right, let’s end in a prayer.” He bows his head, and although I’m not a praying man, I do the same out of respect for my coworkers. “Dear Lord, we thank You for this day, for the ability to help others, and for Your guidance and discernment in moments of trial. Please be with us as we navigate this hurricane and keep us grounded in Your light. Please protect those in the path of this storm and guide us so we can help those who need it most. In Your holy name we pray, amen.”
“Amen,” Elijah and Michael reply at the same time.
“All right, hope you all have a great day. Silas, can I talk to you for a minute?”
In lieu of verbally responding, I push up from the desk I was leaning back on and walk over toward his desk. Elijah, Michael, and Bianca all clear out of the lighthouse, shutting the door behind them.
“You’re on monitor duty today, huh?” I ask, dropping down into the chair beside his desk.
“That I am. At least for a few hours. After Caleb leaves, I’m headed home to be with Eliza and the baby. I’ll be monitoring the systems from there.”
“Nice. What’s up?”
“I’ll keep it brief since I know it’s Eloise’s birthday today.”
“Appreciate it,” I reply.
“I mainly just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. You’ve seemed a bit strained lately, and I wanted to see how I can help.” I’m not surprised the former Army Ranger and captain sensed something was off. The man picks up on everything.
“Just settling in still,” I reply. It’s not a complete lie. Ever since Bianca moved here full-time and started working for Knight Security, it feels like someone pulled the rug out from under my feet. I’m still trying to adapt to seeing her every day.
But I can’t tell Lance any of that because I’ve kept the fact that I know her a secret for many reasons. None of which I care to explain to him at the moment. Or maybe ever.
“You’re sure that’s all it is?”
“It is.”
He nods. “Thanks for letting Eloise come to church with us yesterday. Did she have fun in Sunday school?”
“She did. Thanks for taking her. She’s been asking to go but I just?—”
“Couldn’t make it,” he interrupts, though his expression tells me that he knows it had nothing to do with couldn’t and everything to do with wouldn’t.
“Yeah. That’s it,” I reply, running a hand through my hair. “Is that all? I need to go pick her up and get her to the arcade before she drives Mrs. McGinley up the wall with questions.”
Lance chuckles. “Sure thing. Let me know if you need anything, okay? I know you like to keep your personal life under wraps, but I’m here if you need me.”
“Thanks. I know you are. See ya.”
The sun is warm on my face as I walk down the steps of the lighthouse toward my truck that’s parked in the lot. When Lance and I first met, I’d practically been dead. Bianca and I had just been rescued after spending a month running for our lives in the jungles outside Culvers’ prison camp.
He’d been in the hospital after suffering his own near-death experience and happened to be walking past my room when he felt—as he calls it—drawn to come talk to me. He’d spoken to me about God, about faith, about surviving, and I’d struggled to have an open mind.
It didn’t keep me from feeling my own draw toward him, though. He spoke with such confidence, such hope, that it lit a bit of my dark soul up. We’d gone our separate ways, but I always intended to catch up with him.
And then Sierra died.
The sudden passing of my twin sister and her husband Rick was another hit to my weary soul. It wasn’t until I was back home in Texas that I found I’d been made guardian of Eloise.
At first, I’d said no.