I grin, because truthfully? I hope I get to show him just how wrong he is. Then, because I know it’ll make him even angrier, I don’t say another word. I simply turn and follow Bianca into the medical building.
It’s a crude room, with only four cots serving as hospital beds, and a wall of shelves containing medical supplies. There’s a woman in the corner, her head bowed, hands trembling. Her dress is stained, the white apron she wears boasting a medical symbol.
“This is your nurse, Abana. She speaks English and will assist you in whatever way you need her to.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss,” Abana says, her accent thick.
“Call me Bianca,” she replies, then turns to River. “Fine. But I can’t help you while Silas is chained. So remove his handcuffs, give him a gun, and I’ll get to work.”
“A gun?” River laughs. “Do you think I’m stupid, girl? No. Your SEAL can protect you with his bare hands. I’ve seen him do it.” He turns toward me. “Isn’t that right, SEAL? Did he ever tell you about one of the times he got out?” He steps right up in my face. “I watched him—single-handedly—take out three of the highest-trained guards on your father’s staff. Just leveled them like they were nothing.”
“I was motivated,” I growl.
“Oh, I imagine,” River replies. “And I can also imagine just how motivated you are now, knowing what’s on the line.” He gestures to Bianca.
I don’t give him the satisfaction of a response, just hold my wrists out so they can undo the handcuffs.
“This is a bad idea,” Yarrow says. “I say we leave him chained.”
“Don’t be foolish,” River replies. “He has a job to do, just as she does. Otherwise, why bring him?”
“My question exactly,” Yarrow replies, keeping his gaze firm on me. “I think we should have thrown him out of the helicopter.”
He removes the handcuffs, so I take a step closer to him, enjoying the clear fear his arrogance typically masks. “One day you’re going to realize what a mistake it was to let me keep breathing.”
Yarrow glares back at me, though he doesn’t say anything.
“Easy, boys, we don’t need to take this to violence. Do you need anything else?” River asks Bianca.
Yarrow steps back, retreating until he’s at the door.
“Yes,” Bianca replies, glaring back at her uncle. “A Bible.”
“Okay, so where do we get our water?” I ask, turning to Abana.
“There’s a well about a quarter mile from here. I can go retrieve your water, then bring it back and boil it over the fire,” she says, gesturing toward a fireplace.
“A quarter mile?”Unbelievable. “It’ll have to do. Are there any chronic illnesses we’re dealing with?”
She shakes her head. “Though there is a pregnant woman. She is due to birth her child in a few weeks.”
“He has a pregnant woman working in the mine pit?” I shouldn’t be surprised after seeing those children starving to death on the streets. Yet here I am, once again shocked by the monsters in my bloodline.
“There is, Miss?—”
“Bianca,” I correct.
“Bianca,” Abana repeats.
I can’t free anyone just yet, so I’ll control the things I can.Lord, please be with me. Please guide me so I can help these people and show them Your holy light. Amen.I take a deep breath. “Okay. I want to see her first. Check her vitals and make sure the baby is okay. Where is she now?”
Abana looks at the small clock over the door. “Her shift will be over in thirty minutes.”
“Shift? No. Go collect her now.”