River shakes his head. “I pulled my men last night. Your town is safe so long as you do exactly what it is I’m asking.”
“Let me get this straight.” Silas leans back in his chair, his gaze hard. “You want Bianca to play doctor and me to keep her alive while she does it.”
“That’s correct.” River crosses his arms.
“And how long is this supposed to last?”
River looks to Yarrow.
“Projections show us being wrapped up here within two months.”
“Two months?” I nearly choke on the words. “We can’t be here for two months! We have lives. Jobs.”
“It’s better than missing the rest of yours by being six feet under, wouldn’t you say?” Yarrow demands.
“You can’t honestly expect us to be away for two months.” I look at Silas, who looks about ready to burn this entire place to the ground with us inside.
“I expect you to do what is asked of you. If you don’t, and you let me down in any way, we’ll take our frustrations out on those you care about in that little town of yours. One at a time.” River looks from me to Silas, then back to me. “And there’s more.” He takes a bite of his bacon, then drinks some of his coffee.
“More than forcing us to walk away from our lives for two months?” I think of little Eloise, of how confusing it will be for the small child when her uncle—the only guardian she’s ever known—doesn’t come home.
Of Lance, who will be missing two of his people—his friends.
Our team is alone and vulnerable. I can only hope that since they overheard River’s threats at the dinner, they’ve taken precautions.
“You planning to elaborate?” I snap. “Or do I need to read your mind?”
River glances at Yarrow. “Would you like to do the honors?” he asks.
“Absolutely.” Yarrow leans forward and rests both hands on the table. “Selena Culvers, should the day come when I refer to you as such, you will be playing the part of doting fiancée.”
“Absolutely not,” Bianca snaps.
Fury sings through my blood, singeing my very soul as it passes through me.
“You don’t have a choice.” Yarrow leans back.
Bianca turns to River. “You cannot honestly expect me to pretend to be his fiancée.”
“Not all the time,” he says. “Just in the event that Yarrow’s father, Herman, visits. In that case, I’m afraid you don’t have a choice. Yarrow’s father is an important investor in our little organization, and he’s made it well known that he wants the prearranged marriage between you and his son to take place in order to cement our agreement.”
“Then find another Culvers.”
“There isn’t one. You’re it.”
“Then you better find someone to stand in for me and pretend to be your long-lost niece, because there is absolutelynoway I will pretend to be anything to him.”
Yarrow stands. “I thought you might say that.” He walks around the table, and I track every move he makes, even as I know exactly where he’s headed.