Page 44 of Perilous Healing

“We’re going to be just fine,” Lance’s wife assures me. Eliza’s gaze is soft, and she reaches out to gently squeeze my arm.

“Just keep her safe.” My throat constricts, tears threatening to fall. What if this is the last time I see Eloise?

“With my life,” Eliza says. “I promise you, Eloise will be safe with us.”

“I know she will be.” Because if I’d had any doubts, we’d be on the first flight out of this place and somewhere River and his organization couldn’t find us. “We’ll be back later tonight, but I’ll be by to get her first thing in the morning if that’s okay.”

“Totally fine.” Eliza smiles. “She’s a doll, and I know Mable loves having her around, too.” She glances over her shoulder at the infant currently enamored with the mobile hanging over her swing.

I can’t tear my gaze away from my niece. I could die tonight. That realization hit home at about two this morning while I was lying on Bianca’s couch, staring up at the ceiling fan above my head. Reaching into my back pocket, I withdraw the rolled-up manila envelope I’d brought just in case, and hand it over to Eliza.

“This is all of Eloise’s information. Her birth certificate, insurance card, social security card, and a will that names you and Lance as her legal guardians should anything happen to me.”

Eliza’s eyes fill as Lance puts his hand on her shoulder, his expression hardening. Up to this point, he’s been standing silently beside his wife.

“I needed to make sure the bases were covered. Just in case. The will was made up a few months ago when I moved here. I do have family in Texas, I’d like you to still take her to visit them from time to time, but my cousins travel a lot and my aunt and uncle are up there in age.”

“Silas—” Eliza steps forward and wraps her arms around me. “You’re going to be just fine.” She steps back. “But we are honored that you chose us.”

“You’re the best people I know,” I reply. “And I know that you’ll treat Eloise as your own should anything go wrong.”

“We will,” Lance says. “But it won’t.”

“It might. And I needed to make sure I’m ready for it just in case it does.” My gaze lands on Eloise once more.Please don’t let this be the last time I see her.It’s not a prayer…exactly…but the words come into my mind and I send them out anyway.

Lance’s phone beeps, so he withdraws it and checks the readout. “Time to go, Bianca is ready and they’re pulling up any minute.” He kisses Eliza. “I love you. Be careful tonight.”

“We’ll be just fine,” she replies. “Andie, Reyna, Margot, Matty, Lilly, and Alex are coming over for dinner and games. We’ll be safe.”

I know they called Alex, the diner owner and a former Army Sergeant, so he could be here with everyone just in case River decides to strike out while the rest of us are occupied. Sheriff Vick is on high alert, too, everyone standing by just in case this is all one big distraction.

My guess is he wants nothing to do with this town or anyone who will be staying behind though. His fight is with Bianca and me. And it’s been a long time coming.

With one final look at Eloise as she laughs at something on the television, I make my way out of the house and down the front steps. A black limousine is parked out front, compliments of Michael, who’s acting as our driver tonight.

The door opens, and I lose the ability to think straight.

Bianca is stunning in an emerald gown the same shade as her eyes. Her dark hair is curled and loosely braided back, leaving her elegant neck on full display. She’s swapped out her tan sling for a black one that matches the elbow-length black gloves adorning both hands.

She’s done something smoky with her eyes, and her lips are painted a deep red.


She’s absolutely gorgeous.

“We’ll be behind you most of the way,” Lance tells me, then gets into a black SUV parked behind us, Jaxson at the wheel.

“You clean up nice, Williamson,” she says as she scoots over so I can climb in.

I take my seat across the inside from her, trying to put some distance between us now that the interior feels beyond stifling.

“How is Eloise handling the sleepovers?”


“How are you handling the sleepovers?”

I glare at her. “Can we focus on what the plan is tonight?”