Page 40 of Perilous Healing

“And if you do go, he’s going to kill you.” I consider his sign-off.Tell your SEAL I said hello.

“My guess is he’s coming for you, too,” Jaxson says after rereading the note. “He calls you out right here.”

“This can’t continue,” I say, feeling the choking fingers of fear gripping my throat.

“You don’t have to be involved,” Bianca says. “Take Eloise, leave town for a while. You said you could go back home, right?”

“And what?” I demand. “Leave you here to die?” Even as Eloise’s safety is my top priority, and I told myself I’d put the both of us on a plane at the first sign of trouble, the idea of leaving Bianca here to fend for herself against someone we both know is capable of evil is unthinkable.

“I’m not going to die. We’ll find a way to catch him, and then you can come back.”

“I’m not leaving, Bianca. I had face-to-face interactions with River. I know him—well. Possibly better than you do. There’s no way I’m leaving everyone I care about behind so I can run and hide.”

“What about Eloise?” she demands, cheeks reddening. “She has to be your top priority.”

“Sheismy top priority,” I snap. “But that doesn’t mean I have to run and hide. I can keep Eloise safe and stand my ground. I came to Hope Springs for a fresh start for both Eloise and me. I wanted safety. Security. Both of which are not possible while River walks free. You and I both know that he’s caught my scent. If I run, he’ll track me down as soon as he’s finished with you.” I’m not entirely sure that’s correct, but I know River to be vengeful. I recall his ferocity when he drove a blade into my shoulder because I’d shot him when my team was first attacked.

He doesn’t let things go, and he’s incredibly patient.

Bianca’s gaze is dark, her glare furious. She wants me to leave. But why? Is it truly about Eloise’s safety? Or is it me she wants gone?

The thought creeps into my mind, pushing out all others.

I raise my gaze to Lance. “I’m not leaving.”

“I’m not asking you to,” he replies. “As far as I’m concerned, we need everyone on this.” His phone buzzes, and he lifts it and checks the readout. “Elijah’s got something. We need to get to the office.”



Exhaustion pulls at my body, making my eyes heavy. Every step sends fresh pain shooting through my arm, slicing up through my shoulder and into my neck.

It’s been a day.

A dead body.

A missing killer.

And now a trap masquerading as a dinner invitation.

I have to go. Even though it’s a trap, and I really don’t want to see my uncle, I know that ignoring him isn’t an option. The threat he made has remained at the front of my mind since I first read the words, and I’ve no doubt he’ll make good on it.

Bodies will start piling up, and the last thing I ever want is to be the cause of someone else’s pain. I’d rather hand my life over than have him hurt anyone in retaliation.

My thoughts drift back to Silas. I wish he and Eloise would leave. Somewhere they can be safe. Maybe that cabin in the mountains Silas was talking about. Or his cousin’s ranch. Anywhere there will be some distance between them and whatever River is trying to bring raining down on us.

The image of him standing before me in that hospital room, furious at the mere idea of leaving…I can’t help but wonder what the motivation is. Unfinished business between him and River? A thirst for vengeance? Or could it be that he’s worried about me?

“There’s no way I’m leaving everyone I care about behind so I can run and hide.”

Everyone I care about.

I can’t help myself. Even though there’s danger hanging over me like a thick, suffocating blanket, I smile.

“That’s a happy smile.”

I shoot up off the couch and draw my weapon, aiming it down the hall with my good hand. A man, cloaked in shadows, slips out of the dark hallway. His face is aged, his hair gray, but I’d recognize him anywhere. “River,” I growl.