Page 34 of Perilous Healing

Church dismisses on Sunday morning with a hopeful song from the worship band, and I stand to gather my things with a smile. Eliza does the same beside me, though she’s grabbing a diaper bag and not her purse.

“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” she asks Lance for what is probably the dozenth time.

“Yes, baby, go. Have fun. Bring me a burger.”

“But—” She glances back at me, then him again. “You’re sure. She’s been fussy. What if?—”

He smiles and leans in to kiss her nose. “My love. I can handle our daughter—fussy or not—for a few hours. Go and have a fun lunch.”

“Okay. But call me if she won’t eat her bottle or go down for a nap.”

“I will, honey. I love you,” Lance kisses her and she slings the diaper bag over his shoulder as he lifts the infant car seat with their smiling daughter strapped in.

“I love you, too. And I love you, my little sweetie.” She leans in and kisses Mable’s nose.

“Ready?” I ask as she turns to me.

“I am, I—wait. Is that Silas?”

I turn, certain that it can’t be. But then I see him with Eloise, standing in the back wearing slacks and a crisp white button-down, talking to Pastor Redding. “He came to church?” Our conversation last night comes rushing back.

Is Silas looking for answers, too? Peace?

Tears blur my vision as emotion surges through my system. And then his gaze finds mine. I can’t look away. Can’t bring myself to break the connection we seem to share despite the fact that, at one point, both of us wished didn’t exist.

Eloise tugs on his shirt and he looks down at her, so I tear my gaze from him and wipe my eyes quickly. By the time I turn back to Eliza, she’s grinning at me and Lance is already gone.


“I think I just found our topic for lunch,” she replies with a laugh and loops her arm through mine.

“What are you talking about?” We make our way toward the door.

“You know what I’m talking about.”

The sun is warm on my face as we step out of the church. The salty sea air filling my lungs is something I will never tire of, and I let Eliza guide me toward the crosswalk so we can head to the diner. My mind is reeling, thoughts on Silas in church.

All of a sudden, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I stop walking, immediately reaching to draw the firearm holstered beneath the waistband of my skirt as my gaze scans the rooftops.

And then I see it.

The smallest glint of light.

“Get down!” I scream and throw myself in front of Eliza.

Searing pain shoots through my right arm, but I don’t let it slow me down as I sprint behind her, covering her back until we’re behind the cover of a parked car. People in front of the church scream and race back inside for safety.

Another bullet.

This one pierces the sidewalk right where I’d been standing a mere heartbeat before.

Thankfully, the bullet hit my non-dominant arm, so I draw my weapon and aim it over the hood of the car.

I scan the rooftops again and see a man running away, a rifle bag on his shoulder. “Stay here,” I order and kick off my heels, then dash across the street. My heart is racing, adrenaline surging through my system and numbing the pain in my arm.

Warmth drips down to my wrist, so I know I’m bleeding, and the asphalt is rough against my bare feet, but the only thing I can think of is getting to the shooter before he can hurt anyone. I reach the building seconds after he’s dropped down from the fire escape.

“Freeze!” I yell, but he doesn’t stop.