Page 29 of Perilous Healing


“Not that I’ve seen,” I reply. “And I’m not interested in trying again.”

I expect him to push. To pressure me with scripture or tell me that I’m wasting my time not actively reading the Bible and attending church. Instead, Pastor Redding stands and offers me a kind, understanding smile. “You let me know if you ever change your mind on that. I think we could have some things to talk about.”

It’sridiculous that I’m this nervous.

But I’ve changed my shirt three different times in the last ten minutes as I prepare to head over to Bianca’s for dinner. I can already hear the people over there, their mumbled voices happy as they visit.

It’s a dinner party.

There will be a lot of people over there. So why do I feel like I might be sick to my stomach?

“Uncle Lassy!” Eloise calls out. “Your phone is ringing!”

I head into the kitchen where I left my phone, and check the readout. As soon as I see my cousin’s name on the screen, I answer. “Hey, Bradyn.”

“Hey, cousin! Good to hear your voice.”

“Yours too, what’s going on?”

“Not much. We just got back from a job in Ireland.”

“Ireland, huh? Exciting.”

“Yeah, it was an easy one. Nineteen-year-old ran off and married her high school sweetheart, whom mom and dad did not approve of. They thought she was kidnapped, but turns out they were just on their honeymoon. Happy ending for her, but they’re not pleased.”

I laugh softly. “Well, glad she ended up being okay.”

“Same. How are things in your neck of the woods? Still enjoying Maine?”

“It’s nice. Eloise loves the beach.”

“We have beaches in Texas, you know.”

I snort. “Galveston is no Maine.”

He laughs. “Fair enough. We just miss seeing you guys.” After I’d adopted Eloise, we spent some time with my cousins on their ranch in North Texas. I’d nearly stayed…but then I got the call from Lance that Michael was missing. Eloise stayed with my uncle and his wife on the ranch, while I’d flown out to help.

And then I’d seen her.

Bianca looked exactly like she did all those years ago, and even though I never want to admit it, she’s the reason I moved to Hope Springs. Because I wanted to see her again. I wanted to keep seeing her.

Even if it was at a distance.

“We miss seeing you guys, too. We’ll be out for Christmas, though.”

“Good. Mom will be happy to hear that.” His tone shifts. “How is everything else?”

“Fine,” I reply. He knows Bianca is here. That she’s right next door. That I’m still struggling with the weight of a past I’d wanted to die with me. And while I didn’t tell him who she truly was until she was long gone, he was far more understanding than I would have been if the situation was flipped.

“Silas, I’m here if you need to talk.”

“I know. But I’m fine. Things are good. Work is good, though…”


“Do you know if River Culvers is still active?”