Page 53 of Perilous Healing

“You were awake for that part?”

He turns his head to look at me. “I carried you.”

Knowing that even though I was unconscious, Silas carried and protected me, means more than I can say. “We’re going to get out of this. Just like last time.”

Silas doesn’t look certain.

“God is going to bring us through this.”

“Then why let us get taken in the first place?” he snaps, cheeks turning red. “Eloise is going to think I abandoned her. Who knows if I’ll ever see her again.” Silas stands and begins to pace, looking for weapons or any way to break free.

But I tried every bar.

There are none that are loose enough to break free. The prison is solid. The wall to our back is made of brick. We need to wait until someone comes down here to take us out of the cells. As soon as they do, we can make our escape.

Or die trying.

A door scrapes open, and footsteps echo down the hall. I move to the bars closest to Silas’s side, refusing to retreat to the back of the cell as my uncle and Yarrow come into view.

“Well, well, finally awake. Have a nice nap?”

“Where are we?” I demand.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” Yarrow tosses a pair of handcuffs into my cell, then turns to Silas. “Stick your hands through the bars so she can put those on, big boy,” he orders Silas.

“Why don’t you come in and put them on me?” Silas holds up his wrists.

Yarrow grins at him, a carnal smile, and for a second I wonder if he plans to take Silas up on the challenge. But apparently, he’s a lot smarter than he used to be because instead of opening the cell, he crosses his arms. “Nah, I’d rather not.”

“Put them on,” River warns. “It won’t be like that forever, but until I’ve fully explained everything, you’ll wear them.”

I bend over and pick up the handcuffs, then turn to Silas. He still hasn’t moved, his wrists out, though his gaze is on me.

“I’m sorry I got you into this.”

He doesn’t respond, just crosses over and holds his wrists out so I can reach them through the bars. Even as I bind his hands together, he remains silent. I rub my thumbs over the insides of his wrists, hoping the contact will soothe what I imagine is the start of another panic attack. His only response is the slight flaring of his nostrils as he takes a deep, steadying breath.

I step away and turn toward them. “We good now?”

“Sure thing, sweetheart.” Yarrow winks and opens the door to my cage, then moves around to Silas’s. We step out at the same time, and I rush forward to walk beside Silas as we head toward the exit, though I do allow him to exit first and follow behind. Something I wish I hadn’t done as soon as Yarrow falls into step behind me. “You grew up good, Selena.”

“Bianca,” I snap.

“Excuse me?”

Stopping, I whirl on him. “Selena died a long time ago. You’ll call me Bianca.”

“No, I don’t think I will,Selena.”

“Stop, you two,” River says. “Names are not exactly a priority right now. If she wants to be called Bianca, just do it.”

I turn toward my uncle. Why is he taking my side? What game is he playing at?

“Fine, boss.” Yarrow leans in. “But Selena will still be my favorite.”

My blood ices as my stomach churns. The last time we were this close, he thought he was going to take what I did not freely offer. Does he remember that he threatened to kill me as he laid on the floor, writhing in pain?

“This way.” River starts up some steps, ascending to the next floor. Silas pauses at the bottom of the stairs and nods for me to go ahead. I do without hesitation, grateful for the distance between Yarrow and myself.