“I think perhaps you’ll be worshipping my cock every morning before we leave this room, little girl.” His thumb stroked the side of her head as he gazed at her.
“Yes, please, sir.” She never broke the spell of his stare, no longer caring if her blush gave her away. Kyle was the architect of the most humbling experiences of her life. There could be no embarrassment about confessing her desires.
“Ride me.” He released her hair as he enunciated the final word. “Now.”
Scrambling to obey, she climbed on top of his body, angling his hardness over the place she needed him to fill. He placed a steadying hand on her hip as she pushed down over him, carnal gasps escaping both of their mouths at the same time.
“Fuck, sir.” She pressed her palms against his chest, reveling in how full she suddenly was.
“I saidrideme.” He whispered the words, jerking his hips north as if she’d forgotten what the task entailed.
“Yes.” Her hips moved in response, easing him from her sex before jerking back over him. He groaned at the motion, taking her face in his hands as she found her rhythm.
“I want you to remember who owns this sweet pussy.” His voice was a seductive murmur. “During the day, while you’re working or whatever you’re doing, don’t forget.”
“I won’t, sir.”
“Tell me.” His voice was strained. “Tell me who it belongs to, whoyoubelong to.”
“You.” There was no hesitation in her reply. The fire building between her legs was alight now, focusing its attention on that small bundle of nerves that seemed able to bring her so much hedonism. There was no doubt that giving herself to Kyle was the greatest fuel her fire had ever known. “I belong to you, sir.”
“Again.” His face neared, allowing his mouth to skim hers as he held her head steady.
“I’m yours!” She gasped the admission, groaning at the growing pleasure. She wouldn’t be able to grind over him for much longer before exploding into hundreds of stars.
“That’s right,” he breathed the words, tipping his head back as his crescendo edged closer. “Are you going to come for me again, Amy?”
“Yes!” she practically screamed, her hips moving of their own accord. “Yes, please, sir!”
“Do it.” He released her face, snaking his arms around her as the first waves of rapture crashed over her body. “Fucking come.”
“Oh!” Collapsing over him, she forced his body back to the bed. “Thank you, sir.”
Her body spasmed around his dick as he took over the cadence, her clit producing fireworks as she clung to him. She was vaguely aware of his cry as his body stiffened, cognizant of his large hands as they squeezed her cheeks roughly, but not able to articulate the barrage of feelings that consumed her as the sensual decadence consumed them both.
She’d come to him a little under a week ago on the verge of a financial breakdown, and in the midst of her frantic woe, she’d let her defenses down. Little by little, she’d allowed him in. Panting over him in his fucking enormous bed, she could scarcely remember what life had been like without him, but as she finally caught her breath, she hoped to anything holy, she’d never have to find out again.
Part Three
The Unraveling String
Chapter Eighteen
Staring out at the expanse of exquisite lawns, Kyle smiled. Life was good. In fact, ‘good’ hardly did things justice. He couldn’t remember things ever being better. Amy wasn’t onlyinhis life, but it seemed she was head over heels for him.
It had been three days since the night his friends had graced them with their presence. Three days of touching and kissing Amy, as well as spanking and disgracing her. Three days when he and Amy had grazed the edge of heaven so often, the destination had started to feel like home.
Of course, she was still working for him. It was just now that ‘work’ involved being his full-time lover. He had asked her to fulfill a couple of ‘housekeeping’ duties since—helping him out with phone calls and logistics—but there were no illusions about payment. He would settle any debts she still had and make sure her money worries were a thing of the past. In return, she’d stay and light up his world.
The matter of her trial period had been specifically addressed in a thorough and heartfelt conversation the day after Shaun and the others had been there. Watching a squirrel make a mad dash across the neatly cut grass, Kyle recalled her obvious nervousness on the subject.
“I didn’t know if you’d still want me hanging around, sir.” Her sardonic tone persuaded him she was half-jesting, but Amy had a bashfulness about her that was proving hard to shake off. Even hours riding his cock and kneeling at his feet hadn’t quite vanquished the ghost of life with Graham. “I mean, we only agreed on seven days.”
“Of the trial,” he corrected, arching an eyebrow at her as she shifted her weight. There was no reason to insist they have the chat in the confines of his study, but being there seemed to flick a submissive lever in her head, and suddenly, she reverted to the hot, pliant little girl who provided him with an evening footrest. “I already deposited your fifty-thousand bucks to the bank account details you gave me, so…” he shrugged. “I guess it’s up to you if you stay or not now.”