“Amy is my little girl because she serves me. That’s part of the deal we struck, and thus far, we seem to both be relishing it…”
More than one man made the demand, although Amy never identified the owners of the excited voices. Instead, she remained rooted to the spot, unable to move a muscle as Kyle’s hand tightened on her thigh.
“Any way I say.” Kyle’s voice was smug. “But I can give you a demonstration.”
She sensed the blood draining from her face at his thinly veiled threat, but there was little time to dwell on what it might mean for her, his instructions coming before she could take another breath.
“Amy, turn toward me.”
Her feet moved, acting on instinct and the training he’d provided her with over the prior few days. Obedience had brought her the type of pleasure she’d never even known existed, as well as the reassurance that Jonah would be looked after. That type of incentive was difficult to dismiss.
“I want to show these fine gentlemen how incredible you are.” He tugged at the lace covering her left breast. “So, lose this, please.”
She watched his fingers as they reverted back to the knife beside his salad. “Sir?” In the haze of burgeoning dread and arousal, it was all she could think to say.
“You heard me.” Kyle didn’t look up that time, but the gazes of the others seared her. All four of them stared as she prepared herself for what was to come.
It wasn’t as if she didn’t know the game. Kyle had ordered her to expose herself numerous times since she’d arrived. But there was something different, something darker, about doing it in front of an audience of his choosing.
Something sexier…
Her eyes fluttered closed as the resonance of that thought traveled along her spine. He’d made it sound as though they were his old friends, acquaintances that she could get to know like any regular new couple, but as she started to wriggle free of the fabric shrouding her breasts, she was hit by just how stupid that assumption had been. There was nothing regular about her captivating association with Kyle nor the situation they found themselves in. Normal couples didn’t work for one another, and one party didn’tnormallyfind themselves indebted to the other, and that was before she even considered the relentless sexual charge between them. Being around Kyle was one long and riveting rollercoaster.
“She’s doing it!”
She refused to lift her head and acknowledge who had spoken, her concentration focused firmly on retrieving her breasts from their safe haven. Once both were liberated to the cooler air, she forced her hands to her sides. The others were going to see her anyway, so she might as well let them get on with it.
“Lovely.” Kyle’s voice oozed with satisfaction. “Well done, gorgeous.”
Her gaze darted to his face, clinging to the iota of faith she found there. That somehow, against all odds, Kyle would still save her. That he would push her to the edge, yet stop her from falling.
It made no sense to trust him, especially in her current predicament. She despised standing there, topless for all the strangers to scrutinize, but she’d done so without complaint for him and for the promise of the pleasure she already sensed tingling in her clit.
“Wow!” The man on Kyle’s right side mouthed the word in a loud whisper. “That’s amazing. She’s lovely!”
“Yeah.” Kyle reached for her nearest breast, trailing a line over her goosing skin until he reached for a puckered nipple. “She is.”
“And she’s doing all of this for a salary?” another one asked.
“She’s doing it because she loves it.” Kyle’s attention never left her skin as he answered. “She needs this as much as I do.”
Amy wasn’t so sure about that, but she didn’t quibble the point. How could she? She had, as one of the others had pointed out, obeyed his command to partially disrobe, and she accepted, at least on some level, she’d done so because it turned her on to please him.
I do want this.Her brows knitted briefly at the disconcerting thought.What’s wrong with me?
“I always knew you were fucked up, Kyle, but this is something else.” Another voice floated past her, but once again, she didn’t acknowledge its owner. Aside from Kyle, who said what hardly mattered, she noticed the underlying sound of awe in the voice.
Whoever the men were, they were there to witness her denigration. She understood that, and when Kyle’s thumb and forefinger squeezed her tender nipple, instinctively, she appreciated the exquisite shot of pain the pinch produced.
This was what it had all been about—parading her in front of them, not only for his but for her enjoyment. She would never have believed it possible until that moment, but standing there, she considered kneeling by his feet, even though he hadn’t given her the command.
She longed to yield.
“Please, gentlemen.” Kyle’s voice soothed, even when it wasn’t directed at her. “Tuck into your salads.”
“Yourassistantis a little too distracting…” The man at his left side laughed gently.