“Better,” he growled, “but not enough.”
Moving like lightning, he wrapped an arm around her throat and pulled her flush against him. Gasping, her hands rose to scratch at his jacket-covered arm, her neck pinioned in its crook as a shriek spilled from her lips. Holding her firmlybut with enough space for her to breathe, he started to move, hauling her toward the door.
“It will take more than one word of obedience to save you this time, little girl.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
Panic was going off in her brain like a set of screeching and relentless fire alarms. It froze the logical aspects of her brain, which might have looked for ways to disable him for long enough to get away and sent her every sense into disarray.
“Sir!” Amy could scarcely catch her breath as her feet scrambled along the smooth, dark hallway leading to his vast hall, although that wasn’t quite true. Shecouldbreathe—the air was reaching her nose and lungs just fine despite her discomfort—but the sinister sense that he could cut off her supply hung over her like Armageddon. “Sir, please!”
“It’s too late!”
Wait, what? How was he the one telling her it was too late? Hadn’t she been the one who’d found his secret files and discovered he was lying?
Her gaze flew to the hand that had grasped the evidence of his deceit, but she realized, in her frenzy to protect herself, she must have dropped the paper. It didn’t change anything, though. She was the one with the right to be bloody angry, not him! Yet somehow, he’d managed to take his wrongdoing and twist it into her current nightmare, so she was the one being manhandled. He didn’t even glance her way as he dragged her across the shiny tiles of the hall.
“Please!” She clawed his arm, wishing she could make an impact through his expensive suit. “Whatever you’re going to do, don’t!”
“I’m going to have to insist on your respect, I’m afraid.” Reaching the base of the stairway, he glowered down at her, though the pressure around her neck never diminished. “No more chances, Amy.”
“Ch-chances?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I’m in shock. I’m angry! With good reason!”
“That’s as may be, but it doesn’t give you a pass to shout, scream, and swear at me.” He looked genuinely aggrieved, as thoughshe’ddone something to hurt him.
“Just let me go.” She hated having to plead.
It was worse than any of the prior begging she’d endured, which had almost inevitably been interpreted by her brain as arousal. By contrast, there was nothing sexy about any of this. He might not technically have harmed her, but the way he was lugging her around the house spoke of a violent man she didn’t recognize. Kyle had always been quiet, calm, and in control. She feared the dark glint in his eyes.
“No.” He was resolute. “You’re staying with me. We’re going to the bedroom.”
“Fine!” Based on the thunder in his gaze, the bedroom was the last place she wanted to go with him, but if there was no choice, she could manage the short trek alone. “Then let me walk, please, sir. You’ll only hurt me if you drag me up those.” She gestured to the steps, praying he’d see reason. Kyle was many things, but a bully wasn’t one. Perhaps he wanted tofrighten her as some alleged payback, but surely, he wouldn’tactuallycause her harm?
“You’re right.” His arm relaxed slightly at her throat. “We need another solution.”
Hope sprung from the corners of her mind. “I’ll walk.” She twisted to find his eyes. “I can be good, I promise.”
If she could persuade him to soften the brutish act, she might even start to enjoy proceedings. No one had awoken her to the joys of rough sex before Kyle, but now the floodgates had been opened, she couldn’t conceive a way to close them.
“I know you can be.” His brow furrowed. “And you know I love you, don’t you?”
The question hung in the air as she stared into his eyes. There was something new in them, something dangerous that tangled the unease in her belly, something she’d never noticed before.
“Yes, sir.”
She sensed it was true, despite his behavior, although the pendulum of her emotions wasn’t able to decide if she still reciprocated the sentiment. Of course, she wanted him. She nearly always did. But could she truly love a man who’d lied to her so flagrantly for so long? Especially if he wouldn’t even talk to her about it.
“Good.” He inhaled, leaning close to skim his lips over her temple. “Because I do love you, little girl. I have done for a long time, and I always will.”
“So, you’ll let me walk, sir?”
“Turn around.” His arms lowered, trapping her in the prison of his open embrace and the bottom of the wooden banister.
“Sir?” Finding her feet properly for the first time since the study, she straightened, enjoying the simplicity of a deep breath as she spun to face him. That was more like it. Face-to-face, she could speak to him and help him understand. “I’m sorry I was rude, but—”