She twisted to see his face, but the high-backed chair he’d selected from the dining room meant she was sprawled lower than usual, and it was almost impossible to make eye contact. Balling her hands into fists, she tried not to dwell on the fact he’d insisted the spanking couldn’t wait and had dragged the chair into the vast hallway to perform the deed as soon as they’d arrived back at Brock Hall. Any other member of staff could walk past and witness her denigration—a fact she was sure was the point. To make matters even worse, he’d hiked down her trousers and panties, the fabric of both clinging around her knees while he humbled her.
“You have my word, sir.”
“Good.” The warmth of his palm disappeared, and she tensed reflexively, knowing what would come next. “I promise to be more focused on your needs from now on, little girl.”
She groaned as a fresh torrent of strikes rained down over her bottom, relishing the way the hurt melded into a warmth that seemed to speak directly to her pussy. If that was Kyle attending to her needs, then long may his dedication last.
“Thank you, sir.”
Unclenching her hands, she trailed her fingertips over the cool tiles, conscious of how much she adored him for giving her exactly what she needed. Somehow, the man seemed able to discern her requirements even before she’d registered them. It was as though he knew her soul.
“God, you’re fucking gorgeous.” He folded over her, brushing his lips over her sore skin, and unthinkingly, she mewled at the intimate change of tack. His hand was so unyielding, while his mouth promised so much exquisite tenderness. The contrast left her head spinning.
“Sir?” Once more, she tried to meet his eyes, but he held her down with ease.
“Shhh.” He sighed. “I’d so wanted to give you a proper spanking… to really send the message about how important honesty is.”
She clenched her punished backside. As far as Amy was concerned, that message had been delivered.
“I understand.” She swallowed. “After so long ‘making do’, I don’t think it will be easy for me, but I swear I’ll try to be honest about my feelings from now on.”
“I know.” His breath was warm on her bare skin, his hand trailing a line along her blouse to massage her shoulder. “You’re nothing short of perfect, little girl.”
She bit back on her smile. “Far be it for me correct you, sir… especially when I’m strewn over you in the hall, but if I was perfect, why are you spanking me?”
“Because you want me to.” His answer was immediate. “Because underneath all those layers of crappy conditioning, you’re just as kinky as me, young lady.”
Her grin grew. There was no countering that.
“That’s true, sir.”
She sagged over him, relaxing into her prone position. She still wasn’t crazy about the idea of Leonard or Stevens wandering through the hall and finding her there with him, but things had changed since she’d first met those guys.
She waswithKyle now, not subject to his contractual rules as she used to be, and, despite her vulnerable stance, she was his equal partner. Others could judge her all they liked, but it changed nothing. She knew in her heart that Kyle would choose her over any of them.
“I know.” Rising over her, he squeezed her left cheek. “It’s one of the reasons I adore you so much. Get up.” Holding her shoulder, he righted her, easing her to her knees by his left side. “You know I love you, right?”
The specter of something akin to insecurity flashed in his eyes, and shifting on her knees, she reached for his thigh.
“Yes, sir.”
It was unlike Kyle to be insecure about anything, particularly when he was delivering discipline, but the way he continued tolet her intohis mindset was truly welcome. Amy knew she could trust him because he was prepared to let his defenses down. That was why his demand for honesty resonated so deeply within her.
“Are you okay?” She edged closer on her knees, aware that her clothing was still caught around her calves.
“Of course.” Allowing his hand to rise, he stroked the back of her hair. “How can I not be? You give me everything I’ve been missing in one wonderful package.”
Her lips tugged at the compliment, still unsure how she’d managed to find such an incredible man.
“Is my spanking over, sir?”
She wasn’t sure whether she wanted it to be or not. The strikes had stung, but there was something about a spanking—being so close to him and demandingallof his attention—that enthralled her. She could no longer imagine a life without his taxing punishments. It was even more liberating than his money.
“For now.” He seemed to soften at the verdict, his fingers tangling in her hair. “I’m going to take you to bed instead.”
Her heart sped up at the promise. “Now, sir?”
“Yes, now.” Tugging her against him, he growled the words. “Or maybe I should just fuck you here over the table.” He signaled to the ornate piece of furniture in the center of theroom. “Stevens will be back soon, and I’m sure he’d enjoy the show.”