Page 49 of His Dark Hunger



Rain-laden skies hung over the city like an uninspiring patchwork of gray as they made their way out of the courthouse, but the smile emanating from Amy was as warm as the July sunshine. Glancing down at her relief, Kyle was in no doubt. Saving Jonah from a custodial sentence had been worth every penny.

“I can’t believe it!” It was at least the fourth time she’d told him, but clinging to his left arm, she was still as excited as a small child at Christmas. “He’s free!”

“I had no doubt, little girl.” Kyle whispered the words into her ear, smiling at her shell-shocked expression. “Randall is the very best.”

There was a good reason he cost so much money.

It had been weeks since the lawyer had come to Brock Hall to discuss the case with him and Jonah. Weeks of loving and getting to know the feisty little brunette emerging from her downtrodden chrysalis, and weeks where she’d played the supportive mum to Jonah, while serving Kyle in sizzling, salacious ways whenever her son’s back was turned.

They were happy. Not just in the superficial way that came from great sex and regular orgasms, but he realized, in a more fundamental way. Kyle enjoyed her company just asmuch as her body, and as he slowly broke down the walls she’d erected around money and debt, he started to release her from the prison she’d built for herself. Liberated and eminently desirable, she’d set his world on fire.

During the same period, his lawyer, Randall, had also been busy. Based on the verdict they’d just heard in court, the wiry old man had managed to create miracles. Not only had he discredited the prosecution’s lead witness—the same ex-manager from Jonah’s job who’d found him taking money—by proving the senior of the two had been siphoning business funds for himself for more than a year, but Randall had succeeded in bringing the court date forward by months to prevent Kyle’s little girl the stress of a long and drawn-out affair.

The upshot of events had been once Randall was finished with Jonah’s superior on the witness stand and had spun the jury a yarn of half-truths about how shocking the education system was when it pushed capable young people into debt and drugs, he’d eradicated any chance that the ensemble of Jonah’s peers would convict him. The ‘not-guilty’ verdict had been all but inevitable.

“Mr. Kyle.” The only person with a wider smile than Amy was Jonah, who thrust his palm in Kyle’s direction as he approached. “Thank you. Thank you so much!”

“It’s Mr. Randall you should be thanking.” Kyle gestured to the gray-haired man on the steps behind him as he shook Jonah’s hand. “He weaves the magic. I only pay the bills.”

“I want to thank you both.” Jonah looked as stunned as his mother. “I never even dared to hope for an acquittal.”

“You’re welcome.” Randall’s lips curled as he came to stand with Kyle and patted Jonah on the shoulder. “We all deserve a second chance, Mr. Kendal. I hope you go forward and make the most of yours.”

“Well said.” Kyle’s gaze slid between the two men.

“Mum.” Tugging down his lapels, Jonah moved toward Amy and embraced her. Untangling herself from Kyle, she returned the hug willingly. “Thank you for everything, too.”

A silent look passed between the two of them as though Jonah had any idea of the sacrifices she’d made to get him to that point in his life, which naturally he didn’t. Even without offspring of his own, Kyle recognized children had no clue what their parents went through for them.

“Of course.” She reached to ruffle his hair with a smile. “That’s my job, silly.”

“I promise I’ll make it worth all of your while.” Jonah glanced around at the three of them. “I’m going to smash my exams and leave with a first-class degree!”

“Just do your best.” Amy dabbed at the tears in her eyes. “That’s all I want for you.”

“Why don’t we go and celebrate?” Kyle motioned to his waiting car. “Mr. Randall, would you like to join us?”

“No, thank you, sir.” Randall’s smile was weary. “I’ll leave the celebrations to you. I’m content that my clients are happy.”

“Veryhappy,” Kyle assured him. Randall was yet to let him down. “I’ll make sure I settle up with you soon.”

“No rush, sir.” Randall waved his hand as he stalked down the stone steps. “My secretary will be in touch.”

“Where would you like to go, Jonah?” Kyle’s attention glided to his lover’s son.

“No offense, but the one place I’d really like to go is back to university.” Jonah’s brow rose as though he’d said something he should be ashamed about. “It’s only a few weeks until my exams, and I’d love to spend some time with my friends before the shit hits the fan.”

Kyle looked in Amy’s direction. “What do you think, Mum?”

It was odd to refer to his little girl that way, but despite his need to dominate and protect her, intellectually, he understood. She had a bond with Jonah and, presumably, her other jailbird son, Seth, that he would never understand, and that was okay. There was plenty of Amy’s love and attention to go around, particularly when both sons were now men themselves.

Amy’s lips twitched as she met his eyes. “I think university is the right place for you, love.” Her focus flitted to Jonah. “You should go there and enjoy the last few weeks. It’ll all be over soon enough.”

“And afterward?” Jonah probed. “Will you be staying on with Mr. Kyle?”