“Did I?” He wasn’t convinced those were his exact words, but he vaguely recalled the conversation. “Well, at the time, it was true, but now you’re not only someone I fuck.”
Reaching for the nearest switch, he flicked the lever and pulled her against his hip. Pale illumination flooded the vast expanse of space, revealing the one sanctuary he truly valued. Burgundy carpet lined the floor, the room broken into three distinct areas, each on a different level. To their right was his reading area, a quiet place to settle with a book if he ever got the chance, which led to the en suite. Straight ahead on the lowest level were two comfy couches, an enormous screen, and an array of other devices. But it was to his left that her attention turned, eyeing the gigantic four-poster where he slept each night.
“Thisis your bedroom?” She glanced around as though she couldn’t believe it was real.
“Yes.” Guiding her past the threshold, he closed the doors and engaged the lock. Now that he had her there, he’d accept no interruptions. “This is it.”
“Bloody hell, sir.” She chuckled as she looked around. “This is bigger than the entire downstairs of my old family home!”
His lips curled at her exclamation. He knew precisely which home she referred to, though, of course, she didn’t know that.
“I never wanted to share with anyone before.” He tugged at the tie around his neck, considering whether he wanted to bind her. “But you’ve come along and changed all that, haven’t you, little girl?”
A crease appeared in her brow. “I didn’t change anything, sir.Youdid that. Right from the moment you paid for my bread at the store, you’ve been providing a safety net, and…” Her words trailed away. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you.”
“That’s not what I mean.” He didn’t want to think about the money. Not then. Not when he was teetering on the edge of the emotion burgeoning inside him.
It was like his guests had guessed earlier—William Kyle was falling in love—and for the first time in years, he accepted no amount of money could offer remedy. Amy was what he wanted—her body, mind, and soul, and all her glorious submission.
“I’ve paid for things, sure.” That was what money did. “But you…” He threw the tie aside, unfastening his top buttons as he tugged her robe open. “You have real power, Amy. You’vecome into my life, and in only a few days, you’ve been able to mesmerize and control me.”
“Control?” She blinked at him as if he was mad. “I’ve only done what you’ve asked of me, sir.”
“And you’ve done so wonderfully,” he purred. “And in doing so, you’ve climbed inside my head.”
“Your head?” Her lips twisted as she stepped closer. “Really?”
“Really.” There was a sense of liberation in unburdening himself of the truth.
The idea of being in love with her had filled his mind for days, but he’d dismissed it as a byproduct of the frenzied lust they shared. The looming end of her trial, though, had brought things into sharp perspective. He’d agreed to home Jonah until his court date, and he assumed that meant Amy would want to stay, but there was no guarantee of that. She’d done everything he’d demanded of her and more, complying with his every dubious mandate. That meant she could take his fifty thousand and head out into the night to find somewhere else to live. She could do anything she wanted with the money, and there was little he could do to stop her.
“I need you to stay with me, little girl.” He swallowed at his vulnerability. “Need more of this thing we’ve started.”
“Sir.” Her hands grazed over his shirt. “You’ve no idea how happy it makes me to hear that.”
“You feel the same.” Rapturous relief emanated from him.
“You know I do.” Her fingertips brushed past the open fabric and tangled in the hair at his chest. “I can’t believe a man like you would want me.”
“Jesus, are you insane, Amy?” His fingers rose to bury themselves in her soft tresses. “Anyone would want you. You seriously sell yourself short, little girl.”
She closed her eyes at his verdict. “I think you’re biased, sir.”
“I’m happy to be biased.” Fingers tightening, he forced her head closer and grazed his mouth over hers. A desperate mewl echoed from her lips as he captured them. “I fucking want you—allthe time—and I want you to know I’m here for you for whatever you need. Not just the money, but anything,everything. I want tobe with you, Amy.”
“Sir.” She clasped his open shirt, panting as he tugged away the remaining robe to reveal her fabulous body. Only her tiny pair of panties stood between him and the place his raging erection longed to be.
“I know.” Unwilling to wait any longer, he swooped, seizing her and carrying her the short distance to his bed.
She yelped, clinging to his body as he held her over the covers and allowed her to fall to the blankets below.
“You’ve no idea how much I want you.” Unzipping his trousers, he edged the fabric down his hips and yanked his shirt over his head. “But I’m going to show you, little girl.”
“I’ve loved serving you, sir.” A wicked grin lit up her face. “You’ve awoken things about myself I never knew.”
“That you love to submit.” He crawled onto the covers between her legs.
“Yes.” Stretched out on his black satin sheets, she was the very epitome of sin. “I used to think submission was about being downtrodden and used, but you’ve made me feel incredible things in among all the struggle.”