Page 33 of His Dark Hunger

“Eat, little girl.” Kyle relaxed his fingers, allowing them to trace an invisible line along her shoulder. He noticed the way her skin was cool to touch and made a mental note to permit her the use of his jacket once she’d finished her starter. “Want me to cut the mozzarella for you?”

“I did so outside, sir.” She glanced back over her shoulder, her expression sheepish as though she expected to be in trouble for her forethought. But on the contrary, Kyle had rarely been prouder.

“Good thinking.” He threw her a wink before she turned back, acknowledging the way she caught Shaun’s eyes before she lowered over the plate.

Pleased with the way he’d had the foresight to bring her around to his side of the table, Kyle smiled. Shaun was undeniably his oldest and closest friend, and he knew Shaun would respect what he and Amy were creating.

The room fell into suspended anticipation as she shifted to all fours and demolished her cheese and tomato. Only the occasional slurping sounds of her meal splintered the strained silence stretching out across the room as she surrendered, and she did so brazenly, with little apparent concern for her audience, who seemed utterly captivated by her display. Roger, Stuart, and Nigel rose to their feet, stretching in order to enjoy the show, while Kyle ran his hand idly over the delightful curve of her ass.

Kyle could barely recall being as gratified as he was by her performance. Even the hours she’d spent at his feet, polishing his cock and degrading herself, didn’t compare to the swelling sense of fulfillment he took from her submissive display.

Clearly, his analysis of their roles in the sizzling dynamic had been spot on. She needed this as much as he did, and together, they were manifesting magic.

“She’s amazing.”

The admiration in Shaun’s voice was the icing on top of the very considerable-sized cake Kyle was devouring. There were still courses of their meal to come, but frankly, he couldn’t wait to dispatch his guests and make her his again.

“Yes, she is.” Kyle reached for his napkin when she rose and handed it to Shaun. “Clean her up for me, will you, Shaun?”

The men’s gazes met momentarily as Kyle passed the table linen to him, Shaun’s lips curling as he took the serviette.

“Absolutely,” Shaun agreed.

“On your knees, Amy.” Kyle tapped her backside gently, compelling her to concur. Satisfaction soared in him as she did just that, straightening in Shaun’s direction.

“Well done, Amy.” Shaun grinned as he tackled the state of her mouth and chin. “That was fabulous.”

“Thank you, sir.” Her response was immediate, inspiring Shaun’s attention to dart quickly to Kyle as she capitulated.

“There.” Shaun placed the napkin on the table between him and Kyle. “All done.”

“Fabulous.” Kyle squeezed her shoulder. “Thank you, Amy. You may get up and collect your plate and my jacket.”

Nodding, she rose on shaky legs, placing her plate on the table before she collected his jacket. Heaving in a lungful of air, she thrust the fabric in his direction.

“No.” His palm rose to refuse the clothing. “You’re getting cold, so you’ll wear it, little girl.”

Her eyes widened at his suggestion. “Me, sir?”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to wear it,” Nigel protested from beside Kyle. “And she sure as fuck will look better without it.”

“It’s not your decision or Amy’s choice.” Kyle glanced at Nigel. “Amy will do as she’s told.”

“Thank you, sir.” Opening the jacket, she tugged its dark fabric over her slim shoulders, catching her lip between her teeth as she waited on Kyle’s order.

“You’re welcome.” Sitting beside her, it was all abruptly clear to him. Her surrender to his will was everything—she,the woman who was only supposed to be compensation for Kendal’s rent but who’d become a beguiling distraction, was now everything.

“Clear the dishes away, please, little girl. Chef will have the next course ready.”

Chapter Twelve



“Amy, can you serve the brandy, please?”

Kyle’s voice permeated Amy’s fogged head as she followed the men into the drawing room. Glancing around at the wood-paneled walls, she briefly recalled the time Kyle had spanked and gagged her while she’d dusted there, though, in the haze of trepidation and desire, it seemed like a long time ago.