Page 23 of His Dark Hunger

She inhaled, holding her breath as she awaited his verdict. There was no reason she should have to be bared in any circumstance—not for her employer or any man—but they both knew how things had changed in the last few days. Her initial revulsion to the idea had shifted into something hot and submissive, and frankly, had it not been for Jonah’s presence in the house, she’d have been happier being naked most of the time.

She liked being accessible to the man who seemed intent on mastering not only her finances but also her mind, and she supposed, over the time she’d been at Brock Hall, the notion of being naked around him had become normal. Being bared in front of other people, though—strangers—was a stark and disconcerting contrast. Surely, he wouldn’t expect that of her?

“That’s an interesting question.” His sardonic tone reverberated along her back, revealing his answer.

Yes, he expected her to be bared. Kyle expected her compliance on just about anything he suggested.

Trepidation tightened as that concept settled over her. He’d bare her to his friends, showing her off the way another guy might show off a racing horse or new car. The insinuation was clear—she was hisfor the duration of the trial, at least, and if she wanted the money and the devastatingly great sex to continue, she’d concur with his way of thinking.

“Oh, God.” Shuffling forward, she gripped at the edge of his desk. “You will, won’t you, sir? You’ll bare me and ask me to serve them all like a cheap whore.”

“Come on, now.” He leaned across the desk for her hand. “We both know how much an order like that would turn you on.”

“Maybe, but…” She grimaced, the weight of all the possible scenarios playing out in her head like a bad dream. He’d have her debase herself for his approved audience, and the worst of it was, she would probably be aroused by the denigration. “I don’t even know these men. What will they think of me?”

“It doesn’t matter what they think.” His larger hand encased hers. “But if you must know, I suspect they’ll be utterly fixated by you and horribly jealous that you’re mine.”

“Am I, though?” She loathed the insecurity in her voice as she asked, but she couldn’t help herself.

Kyle had done so much for her. She knew that, but she was giving him everything she had in return, making herself more vulnerable than she’d ever been and pushing herself so far out of her comfort zone that the old Amy was barely even adot on the horizon. The idea of being paraded around in front of his friends might be perversely stimulating, but it was still downright terrifying.

“Are you what, Amy?” He straightened, lessening the grip on her hand.

“Yours, sir.” She could hardly get the words out. “I mean, I’m your housekeeper, but does that mean I’m yours to flaunt to your friends.”

“Oh, yes.” His lips twitched. “You’re infinitely mine now, little girl.”

She gulped, thrilling, nervous energy swirling inside her. She longed to be more than only a member of his staff, but she was still struggling to believe that eventuality could be real. Even after his every soft word and comforting touch, the idea that a man like Kyle would choose her seemed preposterous.

“Talk to me.” His blue stare drilled into her. “I am many things, Amy, but I’m not a mind reader. Youdowant to be mine, don’t you?”

The suave tone of his voice conveyed that he already knew the answer, but she supposed she appreciated him asking.

“Yes, sir.” Her brows knitted, “I really do.” Her gaze flitted from his face to his hand. “But being bared for your friends seems too much.”

“Too much?” He sounded skeptical. “Didn’t you think the same when I first asked you to wear your uniform and again when I gagged you? You always think it’s too much, little girl.”

“Maybe.” Shit, he had a point. “I mean, I don’t want to let you down, but…” Her voice trailed away as she struggled to find adequate words, and there, in that moment, she knew she’d do it.

She’d do whatever he asked of her, likely degrading herself to within an inch of her life, if it brought them both pleasure because that was another of Kyle’s magic powers—he could persuade her to do almost anything and even ensure she’d relish the act.

“But?” he prompted.

“Nothing…” She heaved in a breath as the acceptance washed over her. She was going to do it. She’d greet his friends, smile, serve them, and if he demanded it, she’d bare herself to them, too. “It’s nothing, sir.”

“Listen.” He rose, closing the distance between them in only a few long strides. Wrapping his arms around her middle, he drew her flush against his hard body. “I acknowledge your reticence to be naked around my friends, but I make you three promises which I hope will help.”

“Oh?” She hadn’t expected any agreements. “What are those, sir?

“First, I won’t demand anything you won’t enjoy, little girl.” Leaning down, he pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead.

“Okay.” She glanced up at the man who’d bowled into her life and turned her whole world upside down. It didn’t seem real, even now, that a sophisticated man like him could have swept in to offer salvation. Perhaps she would never get used to the idea. “And what else, sir?”

“Second, no one but me will touch you.” His hard and possessive tone consoled her on that point, and even though it shouldn’t have been so damn comforting, it was.

She was his—he’d said so—and that meant no other man could lay a finger on her. She shivered lightly at the dark promise of that sentiment.

“I’ve made that condition clear.”