“No problem.” The grin that lit up Kyle’s face was far more natural than before. “And really, I don’t mind helping you out, Jonah. I mean that.”
“I appreciate it, Mr. Kyle.” Jonah pushed his unruly hair from his eyes. “But I have no idea how I’ll ever pay you back.”
“We’ll figure something out.” Kyle never glanced her way, but Amy had the distinct impression that she might be involved in that arrangement. “We always do.”
Part Two
The Rabbit Hole
Chapter Eight
Dinner Plans
“I know Jonah said thank you already, but I’d like to second it, sir.” Amy turned as Kyle closed the door to his office, finding herself back in the now familiar surroundings of the rosewood paneling. The room had inspired both agonizing ignominy and euphoric rapture over the time she’d been there. “You’re doing so much for my family. I’m eternally grateful.”
“You’re both extremely polite.” He wandered over to her, grazing his palm across her suit-covered backside. “I think he’s just a young guy who needs guidance.”
“Yes.” She glanced out of his window at the sprawling lawns. “It’s been tough on him and his brother since Graham died, and well…” She turned her head to find him right there at her side, the intoxicating scent of his cologne daring her to go on. “I’m only one person.”
“I’m sure you’ve done everything you can for them both.” Kyle murmured the words into her ear, the resonance of his voice sending a chill racing along her spine. “I find you most obliging whenever I require you.”
Her lips curled at his inference. “Yes, sir, but it’s not quite the same thing.”
“No.” He pressed his lips to the side of her neck before walking around his desk and easing into his recliner. “I suppose not. Let’s talk about the plans for this evening.”
“Yes, sir.” Directing her hands into the small of her back, she eyed him watching her, wondering what he was thinking. “I was going to ask what you expected of me, sir.”
It was strange, she realized, how easily the subservience came to her now. Initially, she’d balked at even using the word ‘sir’, but now it left her lips like a reflex, and she found herself naturally slipping into the stances he’d told her he appreciated. Hell, she was surprised she wasn’t already on her knees for him.
She’d found an unusual calming headspace in the submission. Not because she was worth less than him or because he wielded power, but because she found shewantedto kneel. After so long struggling and often failing to manage all of her responsibilities, it was good to relinquish some of the strain to Kyle. His commanding aura was easy to trust, and the more time she spent around him, the more that faith built. She hardly second-guessed his desire to help her anymore. Whatever his motivations, the man had been nothing short of an angel.
It helped that he wanted her to kneel, and she fondly recalled the times he’d praised her for her surrender. There was always something unnerving about the way his compliments washed over, as though his approval had become the oxygen she needed to breathe, but increasingly, she couldn’t get away from the sense that she yearned to succumb, regardless. She longed to feel the steadying hand of his guidance on her spiraling life and, critically, to explore thatbuzz of sensual carnality that seemed to be born from his dominance.
Understandable the sexual chemistry between them might not be, but Amy had already decided she wanted more of it.
Much more.
“I have guests attending this evening.” Reaching into his top drawer, he produced a crisp piece of paper and pushed it across the desk to her. “These are their names.”
She edged forward, taking in the list of male names.
“These gentlemen are my closest friends, little girl. I want their evening to be exemplary.”
“Yes, sir.”
Her gaze rose to meet his, and she realized he still hadn’t clarified what her role would be. What she did know, though, was that Jonah was to be dispatched for the night, and it seemed only men were on the guest list. Her tummy twisted at the consequences of those two variables. What was Kyle planning that meant he wanted Jonah out of the equation?
“Leonard will prepare a four-course meal.” He leaned back in his chair. “Then we’ll retire to the drawing room for drinks.”
“Okay.” Her breath sped up as she paused. The logical part of her insisted she resist the question burning inside her, that it was better not to know the answer, but the lack of certainty was doing little to quell her raging anxiety.
“Will you require me to serve you all, sir?” She hesitated, conscious of her nipples straining beneath her shirt.
“What a ravishing idea, Amy.” His knowing smile assured her that her service had been his idea all along, but he kept up the façade. “Thank you for offering.”
“I…” She was pretty sure she hadn’t offered, but she sensed arguing would likely only see her ass reddened before his friends arrived, so she bit back on the counter threatening to leave her lips. She could live with playing waitress for the evening. It shouldn’t be her job, but hell, knowing her and Kyle, they’d manage to make it sexy. Only one genuine fear lingered in the back of her mind, and realizing he was waiting for her response, she knew she’d need to face it. “Will I have to be bared?”