Page 21 of His Dark Hunger

“Jonah.” His name escaped as a sigh.

It seemed however good his fortune had become, Jonah wanted an explanation.

“If you’re going to tell me to be grateful, then I am.” He turned toward the huge expanse of glass that allowed light into the vast vestibule, and for one moment, his entire beautiful face was illuminated in the wondrous glow. “But I’d still love to know what all of this is about.”

“It’s complicated.”

She hadn’t intended to tell him anything, but apparently, that was going to be impossible with her curious son. She guessed that was why he was the academic; his thirst for knowledge was very un-Kendal-like.

“Is it?” Jonah’s arching eyebrow was scarily reminiscent of Kyle. “Because from here, it seems quite simple.”

“What do you mean?” She straightened, unsettled by his assertion.

“You like him, and he likes you.” He chuckled. “I don’t know the background, Mum, but clearly, there is more going on in this house than only employer and housekeeper.”

Shit, when had her baby become so astute? Amy sensed the blood draining from her face.

“Hey, it’s okay.” He reached for her hand. “I’m not criticizing you, Mum. Dad’s been dead for years. You’re free and single. Go for it. I’m just saying my involvement in whatever this is makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“Jonah…” She could hardly believe what she was hearing. Aside from identifying the kinky sex she and Kyle had been enjoying, Jonah appeared to have deciphered the entire situation with only a couple of day’s experience in the place. “It’s not quite as straightforward as you’re making it sound.”

Although she knew, deep down, that it was.

Kyle had told her as much. He’d stopped to help her at the grocery store because he found her attractive, and he’d invited her to dinner because he wanted to get her into bed. The fact she’d accepted his job offer before riding his cock didn’t diminish the extent to which the status quo was built on their burgeoning chemistry. That was why Kyle had bailed out Jonah, and it was why he’d hired Randall.

“Listen, it’s none of my business what you do.” Jonah’s expression faltered, as though he couldn’t bear to think about his mother in any type of sexual context. “I’m just saying, if this all goes tits up, am I going to be left with huge legal bills I can’t meet? Because I already have the tuition bills and…” He paused, drawing in a breath. “It’s too much, Mum.”

“So, what’s the alternative?” She clasped her hand over his. “I know it’s unlikely for a first offense, Jonah, but with the drugs and the theft charges, you could go to jail for this, and that would throw away so many chances for you. I’ll do anything I can to stop that.”

“You don’t have to sleep with him to save me.” Jonah’s voice lowered to merely a whisper. “That’s all I’m saying.”

She laughed at how foreboding he made that sound. If he only knew how many times she’d wrestled with a similar dilemma since she’d arrived, but the result was always the same—she wasn’t fucking Kyle for the money, whatever her guilt said. The cash was just a glorious coincidence.

“Jo-Jo, I’m not having sex with Mr. Kyle for you.” She shook her head. “Yes, it was the job offer that drew me here, but now there’s something tangible going on between us. I…” She hesitated, hoping her face wasn’t reddening as much as she suspected it was. “I just didn’t want you to be dragged into the middle of it.”

“Yes.” His brow rose. “It is a bit awkward at times. The sexual energy between you two is…” He blew out a breath. “Well, it’s not easy for me to be around it.”

“I understand.” She couldn’t remember ever having such a discomforting conversation with Jonah before, but she was glad they could finally be honest. “I had no intention of bringing you into this. It’s just you phoned and—”

“I was in trouble.” His tone was wry. “I know, and I’m thankful you stepped up, Mum, really.”

“What’s this?” Kyle’s voice floated from the opposite side of the entrance hall, and twisting, she found his intrigued expression waiting for her. “A tête-à-tête.”

“Something like that.” Jonah rose when Kyle approached. “I want to say thank you again, Mr. Kyle, for hiring Mr. Randall, for posting bail, and for putting me up here.” Jonah’s gaze slid between them. “But I’m an adult, andas I said to my mum, I know there’s something going on between you two.”

“Do you?” Kyle smiled, but the gesture didn’t seem to reach his eyes. “How perceptive.”

“Is that what tonight’s about?” Jonah’s gaze was expectant. “You want me out of the way to have some time alone because if so, you can just say so and—”

“Jonah.” She climbed to her feet, though she still stood almost a foot shorter than her son and considerably more than her employer. “That’s not it. Mr. Kyle has a dinner party tonight, and I’ll be working.”

Her belly knotted as she tried not to dwell on what that might end up meaning for her.

“Your mother’s right, Jonah.” Kyle slid one hand into his suit pocket. “While I’m sure we’re both very happy to hear you approve of ourrelationship, that’s not what this evening is about.”

Her heart pounded at the way he’d made that sound, throwing additional emphasis on the word ‘relationship’. Did that mean he thought there was one between them, or was it a rejection of the idea? She had no way of knowing.

“Oh,” Jonah chuckled. “Then forgive me. I seem to have got my wires crossed.”