“Where are these houses?”
Kyle wasn’t on the market for more property, but hewasa businessman. If there was a deal to be done, then—with seven minutes to go—Duffield might finally have grasped his attention.
“Local.” Duffield’s lips stretched wider. “They all have existing tenancies, too, so you’ll start making money back right away. You’re interested, aren’t you?”
It pained Kyle to admit he might be.
“Maybe.” Checking his driver’s progress, he realized he was only a couple of streets away from the gentleman’s club. “But I’m shooting off now. Send me the details, and I’ll take a look.”
Location was everything as far as ‘buy-to-lease’ was concerned. If the houses were in a prime spot, Kyle could increase the rent for existing tenants, butifhe chose to invest, he’d take the time to knock on a few doors and meet some of the residents first. That way, he’d reassure them there’d be an improved service for their extra money.
“Good man.” Duffield clapped his hands together. “Naturally, I’ll be looking for a small finder’s fee.”
“Naturally.” No one did anything for free. “I’ll look over the details, but I’m not promising anything more.”
“Got it.” Duffield’s piggy eyes lit up as the waitress reappeared with his bottle. Easing out the cork, she tried and failed to dodge his hand as it skimmed over her backside. “I’ll send the details tomorrow.”
“You do that.” A pang of guilt resonated in Kyle’s chest as he witnessed the server’s discomfort.
If he was a better man, he’d deal with Duffield. Or he’d at least stay and offer a barrier between him and the young woman, but he wasn’t a good man.
Far from it.
Stalking toward the exit, that thought was no surprise to him.
Chapter One
Amy Kendal
Amy’s attention flitted to the clock. She watched the hands crawling around the black and white face in the center of the vast room, each protracted gesture ratcheting her anxiety.
At five minutes to eleven, she was on the verge of Jonah’s bail hearing. She shuddered as the three words she’d never contemplated before rolled through her head—Jonah’s bail hearing. Seth had always been the one in trouble, the one she needed—and had failed—to keep an eye on, but frantic to keep up his studies and his numerous jobs, her youngest son had also fallen foul of the law.
Her heart ached as she thought about how low Jonah must have got to have considered taking amphetamines and then stealing to fund his new habit. The fact he hadn’t come to her for more help stung the most. They’d spoken only a few days before when he’d asked for the money for his revision program, and she hadn’t even noticed the desperation in him.
Some mother I turned out to be!
If it hadn’t been for Kyle—the wealthy stranger who’d become her employer and lover in a matter of days—she and Jonah would have been screwed.
Her throat dried. Kyle was also the man who’d managed to master her, the man who’d crept into her every waking moment and sometimes had the power to permeate her dreams. Only Kyle’s money afforded her the luxury of the fancy car ride to the courthouse, and it was his affluence that promised, when the time came, she could pay Jonah’s bail.
She owed William Kyle, though God only knew how she’d repay him.
Brow creasing, she shifted on her seat at the perturbing thought. Amy still didn’t know what Kyle would demand in return for his exorbitant generosity. Jonah’s call from jail had come the evening before, and there’d been no time to really discuss it. She’d spilled her heart to her interested employer, and he’d immediately offered to help.
He’d pay the bail costs.
He’d get her to the courthouse and allow her the time away from herduties.
No questions asked.
But therewouldbe questionsanda price to pay. She wasn’t naïve enough to think otherwise.
There was always a price.
The ‘problem’—if that was the right word—was that the price had increasingly blurred into the sexual frenzy she and Kyle created together. In the course of a few days, he’d been able to wear down whatever defenses she’d erected after Graham’s death and not only get between her legs but, more worryingly, into her head.