Page 9 of Vicious Addictions

“Are you still mad?” Remus asks after a while.

“Furious,” I retort, though I don’t actually mean it.

I could never truly be mad at my cousins.

Although they sometimes test my patience, I love them dearly.

“How about we make it up to you,” Remus offers with an earnest grin.

“And how do you propose to do that?”

“We can start by helping you learn more about the American.”


“Have you checked his room yet?”

I widen my eyes at Remus’s suggestion.

“That would be an invasion of privacy.”

“This is your house, so technically, everything in it belongs to you. A little peek wouldn’t hurt.”

“I don’t know…” I chew on my bottom lip, not entirely comfortable with Remus’s plan.

“Don’t you want to know if he has a special someone back home? Or do you intend to pine for a guy who’s already taken?” Remus whispers in my ear as unexpected jealousy begins to seep through my pores, my hands balling into fists.

“What are you two waiting around for? Let’s go already,” I command.

“There she is! Now, that’s the cousin we love. Come on, Mina. Let’s do some snooping,” Rolo says enthusiastically, quickly jumping out of his seat, excited about his new-found way of getting himself into trouble.

I never even considered sneaking into Jude’s room and invading his privacy until Remus suggested it. Not once. But it’s only fair that I know a bit more about who my father decided to bring into our home. For all I know, he could be some psychopath.

If that were the case and you were truly scared of psychopaths, you wouldn’t spend so much time with the twins.

You can tell yourself whatever lies you want, but the truth of the matter is that the twins were right—you do have a little crush on him.

“Wait! What if he catches us?” I ask, halting my step.

“He won’t. He’s too busy daydreaming,” Remus answers, disgust evident in his voice as he watches Jude sitting on the grass, gazing up at the sky.

Again. What kind of mafioso does that?

“Okay, let’s go,” I say before I lose my nerve.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Rolo shouts excitedly.

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the living room before I have time to change my mind. Remus runs behind us as we race up the stairs and head to the west wing of the manor, where Jude’s room is located.

I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but my curiosity takes over.

Daddy always says that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission anyway.

“Rolo, stay out here and be the lookout,” Remus orders once we reach Jude’s bedroom door.

“Why me? Why do I have to miss out on all the fun?” Rolo grumbles, folding his arms across his chest.

“Because someone has to do it, and it can’t be Mina. We’re doing this for her, remember?” Remus hikes up his brow.