My brows pull together. “You’re not even going to give me a hint?”
His smile broadens, and he replies, “The best way in is to put two of our own inside that club. They’ll expect Firm soldiers sniffing around, but they’ll never expect an American.” He pauses. “Or a woman.”
I stiffen at the look in his eyes and declare, “Tell me you’re not suggesting Mina.”
“I am,” he deadpans.
“Fuck no!”
“Did I ask for your opinion?” Felix’s tone turns sharp. “No. The boss will decide if it’s a good move or not. You don’t have a say,soldier.”
My jaw tightens at the reminder of my rank—a soldier taking orders from those with a higher station within the organization.
But still… for him to suggest Mina.
No. There is no way Crane will put his daughter in harm’s way. Or will he use this as an opportunity for Mina to prove she can handle the Firm’s business?
He’s going to go along with this crazy plan, isn’t he? Of course he is.
Fuck my life.
Chapter 11
Twenty-two years old
It’s Friday night, and I’m on a date with Mina—at a fucking strip club, no less.
Fine. Not a strip club. A burlesque show.
But honestly, I don’t see much of a difference since it’s the last place I’d ever consider taking Mina on a first date.
This is not a date, idiot.
It’s a reconnaissance mission.
Stick with the program.
“Relax, or we’ll get made,” Mina says through a perfect, practiced smile as she hooks her arm around mine.
“I am relaxed,” I lie through gritted teeth.
“Sure you are.” She giggles loudly as if I just told her the funniest joke in the world.
When I follow her gaze to the bouncer ahead of us, I realize she’s playing a role.
See? She’s acting like a pro.
Why can’t you?
“Name?” asks the guy standing next to the bouncer, holding an iPad in his hands.
“Mitchell Buchanan,” I announce in a heavy Midwest accent. “But my friends call me Mitch.”
“Not on the list.”