Page 51 of Vicious Addictions

“I was just thinking about the Russians,” I lie.

Crane hums while stacking his chips. “Ah, so the Bratva has put that scowl on your face. Here I thought it was because you were questioning Felix’s intentions with my daughter.”

That fucking gets my attention.

“Does he have any? Intentions, I mean?”

“He’s expressed his…interest.” Crane smiles like this shit is amusing to him. “But then again, so have others with the same drive and ambition.”

“So there are others.” I frown, glancing over to Mina’s table again when I hear her sweet laugh.

“Does that disturb you?”

“Of course it does. Doesn’t it disturb you?” I counter, turning my attention to him.

“Should it?” he says, eyeing his cards.

“Of course it should. This is Mina’s future we’re talking about. She can’t end up marrying someone old enough to be her father just because he wants to be the boss.”

“Ah.” Crane lifts a finger. “Mina already has a father, and The Firm still has a boss, so that is a moot point. Now, if your grievance is due to the fact that you would wish to see my daughter married to someone closer to her age, I’m inclined to agree with you.”

“Do I have your word that you won’t encourage Felix’s… what did you call it? Ah, yes, interest?”

Crane lets out a low chuckle while combing his long white beard.

“The only person in this room I encourage to do anything with her life is my daughter. Though I’m not concerned. My Mina knows her own mind and will undoubtedly choose what is best for her. If that be Felix, then she has my blessing.”

When my frown deepens, his smile only broadens.

“Not what you wanted to hear, lad?”

I shake my head.

“That’s fine. But let me ask you one question. Why do you care?”

I keep my head lowered behind my cards before answering.

“She’s the only real friend I’ve made since coming here. I… care for her. Mina is important to me.”

“Yes, I see that she is.” He continues to smile. “Fret not, lad. The future is beyond anyone’s scope. Who knows what tomorrow brings? The only certain thing is today. I wouldn’t worry about such things.”

I wish I could be as nonchalant.

However, for the rest of the night, I try not to let Mina’s whimsical laughter, sparked by something Felix said, bother me—even if it grated on my nerves.

Chapter 8


Eighteen years old.

“Checkmate,” Jude announces with a proud grin stretching across his face.

“You’re getting good at this. That’s two wins in a row.” I chuckle, leaning back in my chair.

“Took me long enough. We’ve been playing this damn game for over two years.”

“Has it really been that long?” I say, feigning surprise as I flutter my eyelashes at him. “Guess I wasn’t paying attention.”