Page 25 of Vicious Addictions

I frown.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because if we’re going to be real friends, we have to share our troubles, too,” Mina says, leaning back in her chair. “My Aunt Pippa is a thorn in my side. So far, I’ve been able to ignore her, and so has my father. But the minute I turn eighteen, I know he’ll start listening to her.”

My frown deepens at the sound of defeat in her voice.

“Your father doesn’t seem like the type to care about things like that.”

“My father is a businessman. The Boss of the Firm. Having a daughter as his heir? That’s not something the rest of the Firm will accept. His best move would be to marry me off to someone strong enough to lead in his place.”

Mina’s somber way of explaining her probable fate tells me she has spent more than a few sleepless nights thinking about it.

“Has he told you that?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “But I’m not stupid. Even if he’s trying hard not to admit it, I know it’s his only play.”

I study her carefully before offering an alternative.

“He has another play. He can always induct you. Make you the Boss of The Firm when the time comes. Is that even something that you want? To take his place?”

“I’ve considered it.” She exhales, thoughtful. “I even think I’d be good at it. My morals aren’t as black and white as yours. And I’d have the twins to back me up if I needed them.”

“Sounds to me like your father already has a capable heir, then.”

She tilts her head to the side, eyes sharp on me.

“So does yours.”

Something in her tone makes my stomach drop.

“How much did you read?” I ask, already knowing this conversation didn’t come out of thin air.

“Only one passage,” she admits. “It was about your mum. About how much you miss her.”

A heavy weight settles in my chest at the pity in her eyes.

“That was private.”

“I know. And I’ve apologized. But… I guess what I’m saying is, do you want to talk about it?”

I lower my head, running the pad of my finger over the queen.

“She doesn’t want me in this life,” I finally admit, voice low.

Mina stays quiet, waiting for me to continue.

“My mother never wanted any of her children involved with the family. She believes if I follow in my father’s footsteps, my brothers will follow mine.”

“Do you think she’s right?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “Maybe. Maybe not.” I let out a loud exhale, running my fingers through my hair in frustration while feeling Mina watching me carefully.

“Seems to me like having a conscience isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Her actions are based on love. What about yours?”

I narrow my eyes at her.

“You think I’m being selfish?”