“By the racket downstairs, you owe me a door,” she says, her voice distantly calm.
I fucking hate it.
“I’ll make sure to get maintenance to repair it before I leave.”
I step closer, my pulse a steady drum.
“Good,” she replies, using a washcloth to lavish her arms with jasmine-scented bubbles. “And my cousins?”
“I made sure to keep them entertained for a while.”
My fingers tighten at my sides as I take another step, getting close enough to see her face from an angle.
Whoever said that time heals all wounds is a liar. Looking at her gorgeous face at this very moment brings back all the misery I endured for not being able to see her for the past five years.
And then it hits me. I didn’t just bombard Mina’s home so I could face my past sins head-on, as Marcello suggested. I didn’t come here tonight to have one last conversation with her, hoping we could be cordial moving forward. I don’t want closure—I want her. I’ve always wanted her. And no amount of time will erase that craving inside me. It lives and breathes in me like a beast raging to be released from its confinement. It will only ever be satiated when Mina is back in my arms, where she belongs.
“I doubt you invaded my home just to stand there and stare at me,” she says in her usual detached tone that I’ve come to despise so much.
“You’re right,” I reply, my voice just as even as hers. “I didn’t. Though I must say, I’m enjoying the view.”
Mina doesn’t spare me even a glance at that remark, but the way her cheeks start to pinken a little, I can tell it affected her.
Of course, it could always be the heat of the water making her cheeks flush, but I prefer to think it’s me.
“Do you intend on keeping me in suspense for long? Or am I supposed to guess why you interrupted my bath?”
I remove my suit jacket and place it on the sink counter before approaching the tub.
“We didn’t get to speak much earlier today. I thought I could remedy that,” I explain nonchalantly before sitting on the edge of the tub.
Mina continues to look unbothered by the fact that she is lying naked under the bubbles, just inches away from my hands.
“You want to talk?”
“I want to do a great many things right now, Mina, but yes… I’ll content myself with just talking.”
Again, she refuses to look at me, but by the way she’s trying hard to keep her breathing even, I know I’m getting under her skin. It’s only fair, considering she’s lived under mine for what feels like an eternity.
“Very well. If you came here to talk, then by all means, talk.”
“First of all, let me congratulate you on your upcoming promotion,” I say while unbuttoning my cuffs and rolling my sleeves up to my elbows. “That’s quite an accomplishment. Becoming the boss of such an illustrious syndicate as the Firm.”
“Thank you.” Her voice remains clipped.
“I must say you made quite the impression on my father.”
“Which one?” she retorts, thinking it will cut me. Little does she know I’ve been slowly bleeding out for the last five years or so.
“All three,” I reply, testing the water with my fingers.
When she doesn’t so much as move, I decide it’s safe to keep trailing my fingers up and down the foam.
“I have to admit that I was equally impressed by them. They were exactly how you painted them in my mind,” she confesses, her voice now low.
“I’m glad you liked them.” I smile softly. “Tomorrow, you’ll meet the rest of the family. It will be curious to see how you react to them.”