Chapter 19
My fingers drum absently against the seat’s armrest as I watch the approaching sea of glittering lights beneath us through the window of our private jet.
Chicago—home of the Outfit.
How many times had I imagined flying over this city? How many times had I wondered what it would feel like to finally set foot in the place that stole something so precious from me? How many times had I dreaded this moment?
“Hey,” Remus’s voice cuts through my thoughts as he drops into the seat beside me. “Are you holding up okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I flash him a tight, artificial smile.
“Shit. So that’s a no.” He frowns before turning his head. “Hey, asshole! Leave the stewardess alone and get over here. Help me talk our cousin down off the cliff.”
I throw a glance over my shoulder and eyeball Rolo to stay exactly where he is.
“Don’t you dare get out of that seat. I’mfine,” I say the last part through gritted teeth.
“Go and do some work, pet. I’ll be with you in a minute.” Rolo wipes a smudge of lipstick from his mouth, then gives the flight attendant a light tap on the ass as she rises from his lap, sauntering toward the back of the plane. “What’s up?” he asks as he plops into the seat behind us, draping his arms over our headrests and sticking his head through the gap between the seats.
“What do you think? Mina’s spiraling,” Remus announces, throwing a knowing look at his twin.
“I am notspiraling,” I grit out.
“Yeah, she’s spiraling,” Rolo confirms with a chuckle. “She’s got that look in her eye.”
“What look?” I grumble.
“Oh, you know,” he drawls. “The one that says you’re torn between puking your guts out or maiming a bitch. That look.”
“Maybe I should maim you,” I snap at him.
“Ah, there she is.” Rolo slaps my headrest in excitement. “That’s it, cousin. Tap into that shit. Get all murderous on us. Way more fun than feeling sorry for yourself.”
Remus rises from his seat just to smack Rolo upside the head. “Tact, asshole.”
“Queens don’t feel sorry for themselves. They get even,” I mutter in annoyance.
“I hear that,” Rolo retorts, dragging his hand over the spot where his brother hit him. “But come on, aren’t you the least bit curious to finally meet the Romanos? I sure as shit am.”
I press my tongue against the inside of my cheek instead of giving him a response.
From everything Jude told me, I feel like I already know them. Like they’ve been a constant part of my life. But the truth of the matter is, they’re complete and utter strangers to me, just as I am to them. Just like the man who once laid beside me for hours, telling me stories of each and every one of them with longing in his voice.
“Itwillbe interesting to see if Vicent Romano’s ruthless reputation holds up,” Remus says beside me.
“You think he won’t?” Rolo counters.
“Can’t know for sure. But if he’s anything like his firstborn, I think we’re in for a world of disappointment.”
I don’t miss how Remus purposely leaves out Jude’s name, knowing my nerves are already frayed. If I were to hear it now, so close to seeing the man himself, it might push me over the edge.
“Damn it. I was really hoping he’d be as badass as Uncle Victor makes him out to be.” Rolo pouts as if Remus just rained on his parade. “What about the Red Queen? Come on, she’s got to be worth the visit. The woman single-handedly prevented a coup, for God’s sake.”
“Don’t call her that in front of theCapo dei Capi.I heard he hates the nickname,” I warn gravely.
“Heard from who?” Rolo interjects in confusion, but he gets the hint when he sees me thin my lips. “Ah, right.He who shall not be named.” Rolo rolls his eyes. “Will at least one of you tell me what went down so I can hate the fucker too?”