“If she did, would that influence your answer?”
“My father would never agree to it,” I reply, skirting the question.
“No, he would not. In fact, he would never forgive me for even offering such a thing.” Victor frowns. “He’s a proud, stubborn man, your father. But heisyour father. He wouldn’t like having his firstborn abdicating his birthright to take another man’s throne. More so, he’d hate you living so far away from him. Somewhere he couldn’t protect you.”
“You sound just like him. As if I’m a child in need of protection,” I interject in frustration.
“Because you are. You arehischild. You always will be, no matter how old you get. But I fear that lesson will only be learned after you have a child of your own.”
It’s my turn to frown.
Being Vincent’s firstborn child comes with too many rules and stipulations.
Deep down, I know it comes from a place of love.
I know it does.
But how can I become who I want to be if his love stifles my growth?
“And still, you offer to initiate me. Go against the great Vincent Romano. Are you sure you want such a war?” I ask with fake lightheartedness.
“You forget that I’m a father, too. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my child.”
I swallow dryly, watching the severity in his eyes.
“If I say no, what will happen to Mina?”
I try to convince myself that the look in his gaze isn’t disappointment when I ask such a question.
“I will do as I have always done. Leave Mina to decide her own fate.”
“Even if that means you won’t have a male heir for the Firm with your stamp of approval?”
“Like I said, one day you’ll realize that being the boss is nothing compared to being a father. My reign means very little in comparison. Though I doubt it will come to that. My Mina still has time to change minds, even if she can’t change hearts.”
“Can I think about it?” I ask after a pregnant pause.
“I’d be disappointed if you gave me your answer tonight,” he replies with a forlorn smile.
Needing to clear my head and make sense of our conversation, I rise from the couch and give him a respectful nod.
“Jude,” he calls out to me before I’ve taken a step.
“Don’t give me an answer until you’ve spoken with your father. I’d hate to turn a friend into a foe.”
“I wouldn’t think of it. If my father calls you again, tell him to expect me for Christmas, just as he requested. It’s time I go home and settle this once and for all.”
In other words, this conversation will be done face to face.
Victor has given me much food for thought.
On one hand, he just offered to initiate me into the Crane family, assuring me that I will become the boss once I marry his daughter. On the other hand, not only would I forfeit any chance of leading the Outfit one day, but I would also be saying goodbye to being part of my family.
My parents would never forgive me. My brothers and sisters would continue growing up without my presence and eventually forget about me. And the life I always envisioned would simply be replaced by a knockoff. An imitation that can never fully live up to the dream I have had since I was a child.
Yes, the Crane Firm is as respected as the Outfit, but it isn’t home.