Page 84 of Vicious Addictions

I don’t offer her a reply because… why bother? Nothing I say will change my Aunt Pippa’s mind, nor will it change the selfish person that she is.

My being kidnapped is only an inconvenience to her if it impairs my father’s health. Otherwise, it’s just another Tuesday morning.

I cringe at the memory of my father’s face when he first saw me upon my arrival. He must have aged ten years in these last ten hours.

I hate my Aunt Pippa’s misogynistic way of thinking, but to see my father like that, so afraid, so debilitated, almost had me considering if being a part of the family business was even worth it. Deep down, I know that it is and that things like getting kidnapped by the Bratva are just hazards of the trade.

Even Remus and Rolo looked worse for wear, not leaving me alone for a minute. I had to kick them out of my room so I could take a much-needed shower. The only person I let stay with me was my Aunt Pippa, and that was because I didn’t trust myself to be able to shower alone.

“There. That’s as good as it will ever get without some major cosmetic surgery,” she announces dryly. “All you can do is rest now. Hopefully, you look well enough to go out into society in a couple of days. Until then, you’re on bedrest, Missy.”

I want to remind her that she can’t boss me around, but in all honesty, I’m too exhausted to pick a fight with her. A week lying in bed sounds like heaven right now.

“Do you need anything else?” she asks after helping me onto the bed.

“No. I’m fine. I just need some sleep,” I reply, slipping under the covers.

“Well, at least on that, we agree.” She frowns before pulling the duvet over me. “I’ve left explicit instructions not to disturb you while resting. I don’t want you leaving this room for the next couple of days, or at least until you feel you can move about without help. Is that understood?”

“It is,” I sigh, my lids already too heavy to give my aunt the nasty look she deserves.

But then she surprises me by leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

“I know you and I have never seen eye to eye, Mina, and I know that I could never replace your saintly mother, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care for you. You gave us quite the fright, young lady. Please don’t do it again.”

“I’ll try my best.” I smile softly.

“See that you do,” she replies, and for the first time ever, I notice genuine tenderness in her gaze—which comes as a complete shock, considering I normally see nothing but pound signs reflected in her eyes.

Once Aunt Pippa leaves the room, I sink into bed, ready to let sleep take me under.

Unfortunately, she must have forgotten to impart more of her wisdom because, moments later, a faint knock sounds at the door.

“I said I’m fine, Aunt Pippa. I don’t need anything.”

But when knocking persists, I have no option but to get out of bed to open the door.

However, it’s not my aunt I find on the other side of the door when I swing it open, but Jude, with his arms stretched wide against the doorframe and his head hung low.

“What… what are you doing here?” I ask since he has never once come to my bedroom in all the years he’s lived here.

As he slowly lifts his gaze to meet mine, I see everything I’ve ever desired reflected in his eyes.

“I’m not here to fight,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Then what are you here for?” I ask with bated breath.

“For you, Mina. I’m here for you.”

I swallow dryly, frozen to the spot, unable to move.

He takes my hesitance as a sign of not wanting him here, so he begins to step away.

“No.” I stop him before he has a chance to move another inch. I then widen the door, which Jude accepts as an open invitation to walk inside.

I close the door behind me and lock it, leaning against it for support.

He doesn’t spend much time looking around my room, too focused on me instead.