“We don’t,” I answer quickly. “He’s a snitch that we keep on payroll.”
Crane pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out an exaggerated exhale.
“So, he’s playing both sides.”
Felix confirms with a curt nod. “As long as we pay more than his boss, he’ll remain loyal to us.”
“Sure he will.” Crane scoffs. “And just how reliable is this rat?”
“In this case?” Felix steps forward. “Very.”
Crane steeples his fingers. “Alright. Come out with it, then. What did he tell you?”
Felix takes a beat before meeting his gaze. “It seems that there’s a newPakhanin play, Boss.”
Crane’s expression doesn’t change at the unexpected and unsettling news.
“Is that so?”
Felix nods.
“Apparently, there was a small coup in the Bratva earlier this week—”
“And let me guess,” Crane interjects with a frown. “Vasily was taken out for greener pastures so some new blood could wear his crown.”
Again, Felix nods.
Crane studies him for a long moment. “And do we have any intel on this usurper?”
“We do,” I reply, deciding to jump in on the conversation after doing a quick background check on the newPakhanon our drive over here. “His name is Mikhail Petrov. Misha, to his inner circle. He’s ambitious. Cunning. Calculated.” I hesitate. “Traits I don’t particularly like in an enemy.”
“Hmm, I remember Misha well. The little sewer rat gave me the stink eye when I was discussing a peace treaty with Vasily back in the day.” Crane exhales, rubbing his temple. “Is he still in the motherland, or do I need to worry about him cominghere?”
Felix exchanges a glance with me before answering. “His attention seems to be elsewhere.”
“Stateside, Boss.”
The muscle in Crane’s jaw tightens at the news. “Hmm. That doesn’t bode well for your father.” He leans forward on his desk, his full attention focused on me. “While I had the good sense to broker a peace treaty, Vincent wasn’t as compromising with the Bratva. It’s well known that they still hold a grudge against the Outfit for being driven out to the West Coast.”
I stiffen at the underlying threat in his eyes.
“I need to call him. He needs to know what’s happening,” I say in a hurry while trying to find my phone.
Crane holds up a hand to stop me and says, “Easy, son. Let me handle delivering the news to your father. Boss to boss.”
I bite my inner cheek but nod just the same. “Of course.”
“Good. While I deal with that, I want everything you can find out about Mikhail Petrov and his crew. If he so much asthinksabout leaving Russia, I want to know first. Understood?”
“Yes, Boss.” Felix and I say in unison.
“The last thing we need is the Bratva regaining momentum,” Crane grumbles under his breath.
“I’ll dig up everything I can,” Felix repeats steadfastly.
“Good. Keep me updated.” Crane pushes back from his desk. “Anything else?”