While Chicago is known for its winds, Kent is known for its cloudy, mournful skies.
But not today.
Today, there isn’t a cloud in sight—the sun shines in full force as if blessing the day ahead and the vows Mina and I are about to exchange before God and our family in the very same garden where I once spent countless afternoons simply walking by her side.
The brat showed up at my house two months ago, looking like sin incarnate, asking me to marry her.
I silenced that proposal with a kiss and then fucked her for seven days straight just to make up for lost time.
If anyone was going to get on one knee and ask her hand in marriage, it was me.
One morning—after leaving her blissfully asleep in an orgasm-induced coma—I slipped out of bed and headed to the best jeweler in town. I didn’t hesitate—I picked the biggest, most expensive diamond ring they had and placed it on her finger before she even woke up.
Call me petty, I don’t care. But there was no way the ring my Mina would wear on her finger to celebrate our love would be the same size—or, God forbid, smaller—than the one Felix gave her.
Fuck him, and fuck that.
Not that Mina even cares for such things.
No. My girl only cares that, from this moment on, we’ll never be apart again.
“We’re going to have to put up with that stupid-ass grin on your face for a while, aren’t we?” Remus mutters behind me as I straighten my bow tie in front of the full-length mirror placed in Victor’s office for this very purpose.
“Best get used to it,” I retort without missing a beat.
“So there’s really nothing either Remus or I can say to wipe that shit-eating grin off your face?” Rolo asks, his reflection appearing in the mirror as he steps up beside me.
“You can try,” I reply smugly.
“Felix is here.”
My smile falters for a fraction of a second, but then I remember—I got the girl. Not him.
“I’d hate to kill you,” I say coolly. “You being family and all… but don’t test me. Especially on my wedding day.”
Remus and Rolo share a look before bursting into laughter.
“You’re too damn easy to wind up,” Rolo chuckles. “Yeah, the cunt showed up, but only to pay his respects to my uncle and drop off a wedding gift. No way would he have the balls to stay for the ceremony.”
These fuckers.
“Lucky! Enzo!” I shout. “Come get your buddies! Grab their leashes and take them out for a walk so they can grab some fresh air, why don’t ya?”
“You’ll have to grow thicker skin than that if you want to be part of this family, Romano,” Remus tsks, shaking his head in mock disappointment.
But I don’t have time to reply with a witty comeback since that’s when Lucky approaches us, Remus’ usual dead eyes flickering instantly to life.
“Come with me, little man. Tell me more about this nun that’s giving you a hard time. I just might have something in my bag of tricks to sort her out.”
“Sweet!” Lucky cheers, punching the air excitedly.
And as I watch Rolo and Enzo trail behind the unlikely pair, whispering their own secrets to each other, I don’t know if sending them away, where no one can keep tabs on them, was such a smart move on my part.
“That friendship right there is going to bite us in the ass someday. I’m sure of it,” Gio chuckles, lifting his glass of champagne in the air as he watches the psycho twins leave the room to further attempt to corrupt our own set of twins.
“We’ll deal with it when the time comes. Today is all about our Jude and Mina,” my father smiles, stepping closer to me. “How do you feel, son?”
“Nervous. Anxious. Excited. Take your pick. I feel them all,” I admit, still restlessly fighting my bow tie.