“Remus!” I shout when he starts tapping away at his phone instead of answering me. “Did you get Jude’s address or not?”
“Chill, cousin. Lucky gave it to me while we were still up in the air. The driver already knows where to take us.”
“You talked to Lucky?” I ask, surprised that’s where Remus got his intel from.
“Still am.” He smiles, eyes on the screen.
“What could you two possibly have to talk about?” I question, so intrigued I try and sneak a peek at his screen.
“Hey, this is a private conversation. Don’t be looking at my phone,” he snaps, hiding it from me.
“Sorrrryyyy,” I roll my eyes at him. “I just find it odd that you’ve taken an interest in anyone besides yourself, let alone Jude’s little brother.”
“She’s got you there.” Rolo snickers beside me.
“Is it my fault the kid idolizes me?” Remus explains with a smug smile. “Besides, I kind of like the kid. He and I speak the same language. We understand each other. Don’t see what’s so weird about it.”
My eyes widen at that.
“Who are you, and what have you done with my cousin?”
Now it’s Remus’ turn to roll his eyes.
“Stop worrying about me and who I talk to and start getting your head in the game. Sounds like this is make-or-break time for you.”
He’s not wrong. It is.
But I’m not worried.
Maybe a little.
Why did the twat have to go and say that shit for?
Now that Remus managed to plant the seed of doubt in my brain when the car parks in front of a skyrise building where Jude’s city apartment is located, I’m a ball of nerves.
Remus quickly slides out of the car, but when I don’t move, he pops his head back inside.
“Hello? What’s taking you so long?”
I don’t look at him, and instead stare straight ahead, nervously chewing on my bottom lip.
“She’s shitting bricks again,” Rolo explains to his brother, eyeing me attentively.
“Fuck,” Remus groans, sliding back into the car and slamming the door behind him. He exchanges a knowing look with Rolo, both shifting closer, effectively sandwiching me between them. “What do you need? How can we help?”
I glance at Remus and then to Rolo, realizing that they are just as invested in my happiness as I am.
“I know I give you wankers a hard time, but you know I love you, right? To the rest of the world, you might just be my cousins, but to me, you’ve always been more. You’re my brothers. You know that, yeah?”
“We know,” Remus replies, patting my knee.
“Though it is nice to hear it, every now and again,” Rolo chimes in, his usual crazed eyes softening somewhat.
“Ah, bollocks. See what you’ve done. You broke him.” Remus points at Rolo.