Stella instantly straightens her spine, head held high with a deadly expression on her face. “No, Father. This is precisely where I’m supposed to be. I won’t fail you, boss.”
My father gives Stella an approving nod, her green eyes sparkling with glee under his silent praise. He then turns to Marcello, wraps his arm over his shoulder, and says, “Are you ready, son?”
Dom throws a knowing glance Gio’s way, worry marring Gio’s features. However, he doesn’t have time to dwell on why his son looks so detached for long since my father gives us all the green light to start the show.
Dom and I step out the door first, entering the woods, with Marcello following close behind and Stella at his side as his chosen witness. Bringing up the rear are theCapo dei Capiof the Chicago syndicate and his right-hand man and consigliere.
Before us stands a large circle with every high-rankingcapoand allied family boss. I don’t linger on their faces for long since my gaze goes straight to Mina, who has Remus and Rolo at her side as usual.
I take my rightful spot on top of the stairs on my father’s right while Stella halts her step to stand beside me. Dom, Gio, and Marcello go to stand on his left.
“First and foremost, I would like to thank all who accepted my invitation to attend this time-honored tradition. As you well know, it is a rare thing to invite unaffiliated syndicate members to attend such a sacred occasion. However, fate dictated that this should pass, so I took the initiative to do just that on the day my son will pledge his life for duty, honor, and loyalty above all to the Outfit.”
As if he knew his cue, Marcello takes two steps forward to place himself at the center of the circle, not so much as flinching with the weight of all the eyes on him.
“I have been blessed with many children,” my father continues, “but it gives me enormous pride that each one carries their birthright as heirs to my legacy with such valiant courage and diligence—none more so than my Marcello. Gentlemen,ladies,”my father adds poignantly. “Today, we might break from tradition to a certain extent, but never let it be said that the young man who vowed to uphold everything thisfamigliaholds dear isn’t worthy of the sacrifice.”
Gio steps forward after my father’s words, knowing this is his cue to start Marcello’s initiation. He passes Marcello at the center of the circle, stopping at the small wooden table at his side, where a gun, a knife, and a card are laid for everyone to see. Gio grabs both weapons and raises them slowly, putting them back on the table after displaying them to everyone present. He then grabs the card with a familiar patron saint and slides it into his coat pocket.
“Marcello Adriano Romano, you are here today to be baptized into your new family, under God, and in the presence of your new brothers. You have shown your worthiness throughout your life that the Outfit and its rules are in your blood. Today, you will vow and give the oath to your new family that you will maintain and uphold these rules as long as there is breath in you and blood running through your veins.”
Gio then turns his back on my brother just long enough to retrieve the knife from the table. But when he turns around and sees Marcello already extending his wrist out for him as his offering, without encouragement or provocation, I see Gio hesitate.
It happens so fast that you’d miss it if you blinked.
Gio—now fully recovered from his momentary lapse—takes Marcello’s wrist, to which my brother, in turn, opens his palm for Gio to slice open with one smooth swipe.
My focus is momentarily pulled toward what I think is a gasping sound coming from somewhere in the mob-filled audience. I scan the crowd, searching for the person whose sensibilities are delicate enough for a bit of blood to unsettle them, my brows knitting together in frustration for not being able to find them.
“Don’t worry,” Stella whispers beside me. “It’s justMammà.”
I keep my face as impassive as possible when faced with such tidings.
“You really didn’t think she’d miss this, did you?” Stella adds. “She didn’t miss your initiation. Why would you think she’d ever miss Marcello’s?”
My jaw clenches as I shove my hand into my right pocket, requiring my queen to ground me before I do or say something that will narc out my mother’s presence.
With Mina here, I could have looked to her beautiful face for solace. But if I caught even a hint of contempt in her eyes, it would only mess with my head more than it already is. The thought of my mother hiding out in the woods, risking exposure to any of thesecapos, is enough of a mindfuck.
“Please tell me she’s alone?” I whisper back, always keeping my spine ramrod straight.
“Doubtful,” Stella replies in that same discreet and low tone, ensuring no one suspects our conversation. “The twins definitely tagged along. As for Anna, your induction was more than enough for her. She’s probably back at the mansion entertaining Raffaele Donato.”
How come that alternative doesn’t please me, either?
My sights go straight to Don Carlo Senior and his other three sons.
They have no idea what’s coming to them.
The only person who does has been very tightly lipped on the matter, preferring to keep his vengeful plans close to his vest.
My attention has been pulled in so many directions these past two minutes that I miss Gio instructing Marcello what to say next. Thankfully, I don’t miss him reciting theomertà.
“The spilling of my blood means that we are now onefamiglia.I live by the gun and the knife, and I die by the gun and the knife. This drop of blood symbolizes my birth into our family and the knowledge that we are one until death.”