Fuck me and this fucking day.
Ever since I came home from England five years ago, the Outfit’s relationship with the London Firm has been strained at best.
All because my father believes Crane tried to poach me before I left. And to my utter shame, I let him believe that for my own gain.
I told my father that I would consider leading the Firm if he insisted on refusing to induct me into the Outfit. It was a calculated move, even if a desperate gamble on my part, but one that paid off and ended with me beingmade.
Unfortunately for me, Vincent didn’t take kindly to my blackmail.
Instead of unleashing his fury on me, he turned it on Crane. And, to my deep regret, I allowed it to happen.
I’ve lived silently with the guilt of knowing that Victor didn’t deserve my father’s wrath. Aside from being my mentor and showing what it means to be amade man, in that instance, Victor was only trying to be my friend in giving me a choice. A choice my own father was reluctant to offer me.
I never told anyone about Mina though, or that Victor offered me her hand and the possibility to be his heir. Because if I did, they would see it written on my face that I was closer to taking Victor up on his offer than I first insinuated.
No. That secret shame is only mine to bear.
“What did Crane want?” I ask, keeping my tone as even as I can, shoving my hand into my pocket and rubbing my favorite keepsake—a tether to my past.
“I think I’ll leave it to your father to fill you in on the details himself,” Gio answers, “But enough about that. Tonight is ourdolce angelo’sbirthday. Let’s celebrate!” Gio pats Dom’s and my shoulder to usher us forward.
We walk into Casa Bella, unsurprised to see the whole place empty except for the large round table in the middle, where my family is seated.
I bite down on my cheek when I see everyone elegantly dressed while Lucky and Enzo are wearing bright yellow jumpsuits, round goggles, and blue overalls, mimicking the iconic Minion grin, capturing the playful and whimsical nature of these beloved Despicable Me characters.
Only those two make me want to laugh right now.
“There you are. We were about to start eating without you,” my mother sing-songs playfully, looking absolutely stunning in her Versace dress.
Since we’re the only ones here—besides the staff who are paid handsomely for their discretion—both Dom and Gio walk right to her, each leaving a tender kiss on her lips before taking their respective seats. I, too, walk toward her and place a kiss on her cheek in greeting.
“Hi, Mom. Sorry, we’re late.”
“That’s okay, sweetheart. I’m just happy you’re here now,” she replies, with a loving smile and a sad tinge in her emerald eyes.
I pretend not to see it and make my way to the birthday girl, but not before slapping Lucky and Enzo upside their heads.
“Hey! Watch it,stronzo,” Lucky groans.
“Jude! Come on, man! It took me ages and a ton of gel to spike my hair this way.”
“You two couldn’t dress nicely for your baby sister?” I pretend to reprimand sternly. “You just had to pull a stunt on her birthday?” I wink at the rest of the table from behind them, Marcello and Gio having to look away or risk ratting themselves out by laughing.
“You tell ‘em, Jude. Kick their asses!” Stella laughs excitedly.
“Language, children,” my father interjects, his gaze failing miserably to hide his amusement.
“You two disappoint me,” I add to the twins, shaking my head just to fuck with them more. My knees almost buckle to the floor when they actually start looking contrite.
“Don’t be cross with them, Jude. They’re only wearing that get-up as a birthday surprise to me. They wanted to make me smile,” Annamaria interrupts softly, looking like a true mafiaprincipessain her pink dress and golden locks.
“Is that true?”
The twins nod in unison, but something tells me Annamaria is covering for them. Like she always does when any of us get in trouble.
I leave them be and walk over to the girl of the hour, bending on one knee to place her dainty hands in mine.
“Buon compleanno, dolce angelo,”I congratulate before kissing her cheek.