Ashley’s shoulders slumped further, and Sy caught the faint tremor in her hands as she pushed her hair back from her face. She looked ready to collapse where she stood.
“The quarters next door are empty,” Zeke suggested, his tone softening. “You could use those facilities while I monitor?—”
“They’re allocated.” The words left Sy’s mouth before he’d fully formed the thought. He kept his expression carefully neutral as Zeke’s eyes snapped to his face.
“I’m fairly certain they’re not.” Zeke frowned. “In fact, I checked the assignments this morning when?—”
“They’re all allocated,” Sy repeated. He met Zeke’s scrutiny without flinching. Understanding flickered in the medic’s eyes.His mouth tightened briefly before smoothing into careful neutrality.
“You can use my quarters,” he said, turning to Ashley. She blinked at him, a tired look in her eyes. “It’s not far.”
“I don’t want to impose?—”
“It’s not an imposition.” He kept his voice steady. “Not at all. I want you there.”
Hells, did he ever want her there.
She hesitated another moment before nodding. “Okay, I just need to grab some things.”
While Ashley gathered what she needed from her dresser, moving carefully to avoid disturbing the sleepers, Sy felt Zeke’s glare boring into him. He didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he tracked her movements, noting how her fatigue showed in each careful step, each slightly fumbled motion as she collected clothes and toiletries.
“I’ll monitor their readings overnight,” Zeke said finally, his tone deliberately casual. “Prince Isan wants to know immediately if anything changes.”
Sy nodded. Zeke would watch over Lila and the others, which left him free to look after Ashley. His heart beat faster at the thought.
She straightened, a small bag clutched in her hands. “Ready.”
Her eyes met his briefly, something vulnerable flickering in their depths before exhaustion clouded them again.
He moved to open the door, aware of her presence as she passed close to him. He caught Zeke’s pointed look just before the little human female stepped through the doorway.
Ashley paused for a second, glancing back at the sleeping trio one last time, worry still creasing her brow. Then she turned to him, trust written in every line of her body as she waited for him to lead the way.
His breath caught in his throat. She had no idea what that trust did to him, how it both honored and haunted him. With one last nod to Zeke, he stepped through the doorway after her.
He would look after her, give her everything she needed.
And somehow, he had to do it while keeping his hands to himself.
She was so damn tired.
Exhaustion dragged at Ashley’s limbs, her muscles protesting the hours of caving. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d pushed herself this hard physically. Maybe it wasn’t just the physical exertion. Watching that alien beam grab Lila had taken years off her life.
Sy’s measured footsteps echoed against stone, pulling her attention back to the present. Everything was fine. He was here. Lila was safe. They were all safe.
Her gaze kept drifting to him as they walked, drawn like a magnet to true north. The way he moved… like a predator, all contained power and fluid grace. The amber lights caught his shoulders as he turned a corner, and heat pooled low in her belly.
Cool air did nothing to ease the warmth spreading under her skin. Their footsteps echoed against stone walls—his measured and deliberate, hers falling into sync without conscious thought, like some intricate dance where she didn’t know the steps and couldn’t read her partner. He’d kissed her in the cave like shewas air and he was drowning, but now he was all controlled distance and unreadable expressions.
Her steps faltered, catching on a raised flagstone. Immediately he reached out and caught her, his touch burning against her skin. She murmured her thanks. The casual gesture shouldn’t have been distracting, but her mind immediately supplied the memory of those fingers tangled in her hair, cupping her face as he?—
No. She wasn’t going there. Not now. Not when they were heading to his quarters to… Shower. She was going to use his shower. That was all. Her mind presented her with an image of the two of them in there, wrapped around each other. Hot water. Soapy skin. She shoved the thought down quickly.
They turned another corner, and the lights caught his profile. His jaw was set in that way that meant he was thinking hard about something, and she wondered what was going on behind those gold-flecked eyes.
He stopped at a door—identical to every other heavy wooden door they’d passed—and pushed it open. The hinges protested with a soft creak. Stepping aside, he gestured for her to enter. Her heart thundered against her ribs as she crossed the threshold. This was his space. Private. Personal.