Page 6 of Do You Understand?

“Here’s how this is going to go. I got your precious sister. If you want her back, I want a million dollars. I’m going to text you a drop location and I want it in two hours. I want that shit in cash. That shouldn’t be a problem for y’all rich niggas. Y’all got that sitting in a safe somewhere.”

Mont shook his head at Kevin’s failed attempt to disguise his voice. This shit was almost comical.“You only want a mil? That seems like such a small amount for the infamous Taelyn Smith. Isn’t that what you called her, Kevin? That’s what you said earlier when you were bitchin’ to my sister before she broke up with your bitch ass.”

Kevin’s heart stopped in his chest. How the hell did they know what he said? They probably just watched the feed from earlier that night and drew a conclusion that it was him.

“Nigga, like I said, I’ll text the info for the drop.”

Mont laughed.“Bet! While you text me the drop info, I’m going to text you the drop location if you want your son and baby mama back. Say hello, Ebony.”

There was shuffling on Mont’s end, then the sound of a sobbing female.“Ke-Kevin, what’s going on? What did you do?”

The volume of Kevin’s phone was loud enough for Chris to hear what was being said. Now he was worried. His and Kevin’s eyes locked.

“Man, what the fuck!”This shit was not going at all like Kevin planned. He at least thought he would have more time before they figured out it was him that had Taelyn, if they found out at all. Now these niggas had his baby mama and son.

“Nah, it ain’t no what the fuck, Kevin. You fuck with mine; I’m going to fuck with yours. Maybe I should have the girls beat her ass like you did my baby sis. We’re closing in, fuck boy.”The call disconnected.

Chris’s hands went to the sides of his head. “Man, what the fuck? I thought you said that they wouldn’t know it was you!”

The fear in Kevin’s soul was mounting faster than his mind could think. They had his son’s mother and his son. Ebony was truly who Kevin loved. They had been together for five years. Their son was six months old. “Nigga, they weren’t supposed to. I cut the cameras.”

Kevin started the engine of the car that was also in the side bitch’s name to race back to the house which was only fifteen minutes away. The car barely made it into the driveway before him and Chris were out of the car. The absence of Sam, Brandon, and Craig was immediately noticed.

“Where the fuck are them niggas?” Now his anger was at the front of his emotional line.

Eric cut his eyes over to Kevin. “Their punk asses left. Brandon went into the room to check on the girl. I don’t know what she said, but he came out here trippin’ then they were out. Bunch of pussies.”

Chris snickered. “Shit, they might have had the right idea. These niggas got his son and baby mama. They saw him beat that girl up in the house too.”

Now Eric was out of his seat. “The fuck do you mean they have his baby mama?”

Kevin wasn’t concerned with their stupid ass questions as he stormed to the room that held Taelyn. She looked too relaxed for his liking. Her eyes were closed but popped open at the feeling of a fist in her face.

“What the fuck did you say to Brandon, bitch!” He delivered another punch to her mouth before she could respond. “Tell me, ho!”

The pain registered with Taelyn’s brain. She wanted to cry but she would never give him the satisfaction to see her do so. He was a coward. To attack her while she was bound was a bitch move. “If you stop hitting me, I could answer you. Ole Baby Sinclair ass nigga.”

After all of the abuse he inflicted on her, Kevin just couldn’t seem to knock the sarcasm out of her. His resentment had quickly turned to hate. With another punch, he told her to answer the question.

“First, who is Brandon? If that’s the boy that came in here, I told him the truth. All of y’all are going to die.”

The smug smile on her face gave Kevin a warrant to deliver a blow to her midsection. He lowered himself so that his lips were near her ear. “Tell you what, if we die, so do you. We’ll be twinsies.”

With a final slap, he left the room. His shock overtook him when he went back into the living room to find it empty and the front door wide open. He picked boys he thought would blindly follow him, but that was now shown to be a fallacy. He was in this by himself. Just as he plopped down on the couch without bothering to close the door, the burner phone that he forgot to cut off vibrated in his pocket. Kevin pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Fuk Nig! U got 2 options: 1. Bring Lyn to meet spot and die. 2. Don’t bring her and U, ya BM and ya son die. Up to you! Let me know!

[Photo attached]

A picture was attached of Kevin’s son’s mother with his son in her lap seated in a chair with a gun to both of their heads. They both had tears streaming from their eyes. His own tear drop fell on the phone screen. What the fuck had he done! Kevin knew better than to think these niggas wouldn’t come full force behind that bitch in the room. He read the options over and over as if the words would change. With either option, he was going to die. Rage took him over!

Kevin: Where is meet spot and what time?

Unknown: Good fuk nig! 32°51'42.1"N 80°48'50.4"W. You got an hour.

Kevin’s face scrunched. He always hated how difficult everything had to be with them. Was it too much trouble for them to just send an address? They had to send damn coordinates! He stood from his seat on the couch, then moved to the bedroom.

There were no words from Kevin as he unhandcuffed Taelyn from the bed. Once he had her on her feet, he yanked her into his chest. “Let’s go, bitch! You’re of no use to me anymore.”