Her special place. And since the day she’d agree to marry him, where she’d sat astride him, naked and free, and brought them both to the ultimate pleasure, it had becometheirspecial place.
She stepped out of the trees and into the clearing, her heart thumping, that strange, warm feeling moving through her, to find Dominic standing beside the pool, waiting for her. Another man stood there smiling, obviously a priest, and Polly and John were also there. Witnesses.
Not that she saw anyone but Dominic.
The autumn sun had blessed them today, shining down onto the clearing and onto him. Tall and powerful. He was dressed in black trousers and a simple black shirt, but on his head was also a crown of leaves. His black hair gleamed like spilled ink in the sunlight, the white stripe almost glowing amidst the green of the leaves. His eyes were as dark as his hair, and he didn’t smile.
But when he looked at her, she felt something inside her bloom.
This man, who hadn’t laughed at her when she’d told him about how connected she felt to the trees and to nature. Who’d accepted both her stubbornness and her passion, her fire and her wild spirit, and hadn’t punished her for any of it. Who hadn’t forced her to be anyone but herself. And who’d created this beautiful ceremony just for her, taking all the things that she found important, and turning them into the most perfect moment.
Everything about this was for her and so was he.
He was the god of the forest and she was his chosen queen.
She walked slowly over to him, her heart feeling somehow larger and fuller in her chest, the warm feeling flowing through her and almost bringing tears to her eyes, making her throat ache.
He reached out to her and clasped her hand, his fingers threading through hers. ‘Surprise,’ he murmured. ‘I hope this is adequate.’
She gripped his hand tightly, swallowing past the lump in her throat. ‘Adequate? It’s...perfect. Just perfect.’
His dark gaze roved over her hungrily. ‘And so are you.’
She flushed with pleasure then reached up to touch his crown. ‘Who made these?’
‘I did.’ He smiled then and it lit his face like the sun shining down on them. ‘It wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped.’
‘I love them.’ The warm feeling in her heart grew, putting down roots and sprouting new leaves.
‘Good.’ He gripped her hand tight. ‘Are you ready?’
Are you? You’re afraid.
No, she wasn’t. Not of him, not of this. And this powerful feeling growing inside her was nothing. Simple pleasure at how he’d made this day so special. It was nothing more than that.
It’s not and you know it.
But Maude ignored the thought, nodding at Dominic and then turning to face the priest.
It wasn’t a long ceremony, but, try as she might, she couldn’t ignore that feeling inside her as it grew and bloomed, wrapping strong roots around her heart and binding it tight.
When it was her turn to speak, the words were hoarse, and when it was time to exchange rings, she looked down to see her own ring was shaped as a circlet of oak leaves, in white gold.
Her vision wavered, tears filling her eyes unexpectedly. He’d thought of every detail. He’d made this special, this ceremony that was supposed to be only a business deal. This ceremony that was only about legal protection, nothing more.
Her heart thumped even harder and it was difficult to catch a breath.
The priest was saying words and then Dominic gave her another ring, his ring, and that too was a circlet of oak leaves. She pushed it onto his finger almost automatically, the roots around her heart tightening still further, choking her.
Then she found herself looking up at Dominic as the priest continued to speak. The sun was behind his head, throwing his face into shadow, but his eyes gleamed, and in them she could see the man she’d given herself to that night in the forest. The fierce, passionate man, behind his urbane and polished front.
The man you’ve fallen in love with.
The thought wound through her head, the roots in her heart piercing it right through. Roots wrapping around her bones, growing down into her soul. An unbreakable connection, a tether she’d never be free of.
Dominic bent his head and kissed her, the priest naming them husband and wife.
No, she wasn’t in love with him. Shewasn’t. She loved her friends and the forest, and her unborn child, but she didn’t want to be in love with a man. And most especially not a man like him. He gave, she couldn’t deny that, but he also demanded things in return. Her honesty, her passion, her time, her attention.