He could hear a strange note in her voice—something that made him look at her.

‘What is it?’ he asked quietly.

But she only shook her head and changed the subject.

They went on, strolling carefully, but not going too far, before turning and retracing their steps. There were plenty of other fossil-hunters along the way, or just walkers—a good few with dogs in tow. One dog—a large one, rushing around off its leash—came bounding up to them, jumping at Siena.

Vincenzo thrust it away ungently, speaking sharply to him in Italian. The dog gave a bark and bounded away again.

‘Are you all right?’ Vincenzo asked Siena.

She looked a little shaken, for the dog had been large, and had taken her by surprise.

‘Yes, fine... I think he was more friendly than anything.’

‘Uncontrolled,’ said Vincenzo sternly.

The dog was careering towards them again, clearly over-excited. As it approached, Vincenzo held out an arm, simultaneously warding it off Siena and giving it another order in Italian. The dog stopped, then sniffed at his outstretched hand. It gave another bark. Then licked Vincenzo’s hand and bounded off, hearing its owner calling belatedly to it.

The woman came up to them. ‘He’s just being friendly,’ she said.

‘But not everyone loves dogs,’ Vincenzo pointed out severely. ‘And you—’ he addressed the dog directly now, which was licking his still outstretched hand again ‘—are a fearsome beast!’ His voice was severe but the dog knew perfectly well that he was being praised, and barked happily again.

Siena, beside him, held out her own hand for him to sniff. ‘But no jumping!’ she admonished.

The fearsome beast’s owner smiled apologetically. ‘I’m sorry...he does get over-enthusiastic. But he mustn’t jump up, I know—especially when you are in your condition.’ She smiled again. ‘When’s it due?’

Siena looked taken aback.

‘I’m a midwife,’ the woman said with another smile. ‘I’d say...’ she cast a professional eye at Siena ‘...you’re around sixteen weeks.’

‘Seventeen,’ confirmed Siena.

The woman’s smile broadened—her dog had gone bounding away over the beach now, clearly done with them.

‘Your first? How wonderful for you both! You must be so happy and excited! I know it will seem like ages and ages yet, but believe me...’ her voice warmed ‘...when it finally happens you’ll both be over the moon. I promise!’ Her smile included them both. ‘I wish you all the very best—this is such a special time of your lives, so enjoy every moment!’

‘Thank you,’ said Vincenzo with difficulty.

Siena said nothing.

The woman moved to go, pausing only to say, ‘I’ll keep my dog well away from you, but do take care on this stony beach. You really don’t want to trip and fall at this stage.’ She smiled again one last time. ‘And congratulations!’ she said warmly.

She walked away, calling to her dog. For a moment there was only silence between him and Siena. His eyes went to her. There was an expression on her face he had not seen before.

‘I guess to others it does look like that,’ she said, and he could hear the strain in her voice. ‘As if we’re just a normal couple starting a family. When we’re not even a couple. And a family is the last thing we’ll ever be.’

She started to walk, picking her steps carefully. Her shoulders seemed to be hunched, Vincenzo thought.

There was a tightness in his chest as he walked after her and his eyes followed her—the woman who had in one fateful moment, on one fateful night, set him aflame with something he had never felt before. Something for which he had no explanation, no excuse, no exoneration, but which had consumed him with its intensity.

It should never have happened—it had been insane self-indulgence—but he’d gone for it all the same, taking his fill, yielding to the flame she’d lit in him. Burning in it.

He’d kept that woman ruthlessly away from the one now walking away from him. Locked her away in the past, to that single night.

He quickened his pace. That woman’s voice—the midwife’s—in his head now, warning that Siena should not stumble or trip.

Siena who had ignited that flame in him and Siena who was pregnant with their child.