His voice was implacable, his gaze on her relentless.
She sat down heavily again, placing her hands on the table either side of her empty plate, and leaned forward. There was a tangled knot of emotions inside her...like a bunch of snakes.
‘I will say this one more time.’ She spoke slowly, in a staccato voice, enunciating each word as if it was bitten out of her. ‘I do not want anything more to do with you. I should never have had anything to do with you in the first place! I bitterly,bitterlyregret that night!’
He was looking back at her, his face grim, eyes dark.
‘Do you think I don’t?’ he retorted starkly. ‘But it happened. And now we have to deal with the consequences. You will have to accept that you carry my child,’ he said, and his darkened eyes had a dangerous anger in them. ‘And you are not walking away with it.’
He drew a breath—a harsh, heavy one. That dark expression was still on his face, and she didn’t like it. Not one little bit.
Suddenly, it was all too much. She couldn’t cope—not one minute longer. Not with one more vicious, biting exchange.
She heaved herself to her feet. She was done here. Done, done, done, anddonewith Vincenzo Giansante.
She stood, her face working, and he looked back at her.
‘Go to hell,’ she said. ‘Just go tohell!’
Then she walked out.
Before she collapsed.
‘SO,’ASKEDMEGAN,‘what are you going to do? Did he really offer to marry you?’ Incredulity was mingled with another emotion—several of them, Siena thought cynically, of which envy was only one.
She gave an inner sigh. Megan was pitifully impressed by Vincenzo Giansante—that was obvious.
‘It was a play, Megan, a totally transparent one. Marriage would give him control over me. And he must be insane to think I’d even give him the time of day!’
Megan laughed shortly. ‘Any other woman would snap his hand off at the offer. All that money and all those lethal looks!’
‘And all that charm...’ Siena rejoined with acid sweetness.
‘So, are you at least going to move into this apartment he’s rented for you? He sent me the details—it looks pretty good.’
‘No, of course I’m not,’ Siena returned.
‘But why not?’ Megan pursued. ‘Look, you can move in at the weekend—I’ll help you.’
‘Megan, no.’ Siena’s voice was adamant. ‘That’s final. I’ve got a roof over my head till Fran gets back—time enough to decide where I’m going to move to and get a place to rent there.’
Till then she’d stay here and keep on with her temporary clerical job at the PR firm Megan worked for, earning some useful money.
But when she got back from work on Friday evening, it was to find the bed in her room pulled away from the wall, all the furniture swathed in a dust sheet, another dust sheet on the floor, and paint pots on the chest of drawers.
Megan’s attitude was unapologetic. ‘I’ve decided this room needs a little sprucing up, Si.’ Her tone was sympathetic, but determined. ‘Just move into the apartment Vincenzo’s taken for you—he’s had the keys delivered to me, and I’ll come with you this evening to settle you in. It’s all furnished and kitted out. We just need to take basics, like milk and tea. We’ll get a takeaway, and you can go food shopping tomorrow. I’ve even packed your things for you.’
Siena stared at Megan in dismay.
Megan patted her arm encouragingly. ‘You know it makes sense, Si. It gives you somewhere to think things through. And I hope—I really,reallyhope—you’ll decide to stay there and take up your place at art school. I’d hate to see you give it up!’
Siena’s face worked. She knew her friend was trying to be helpful, but—
But right now, however galling it is, I have no choice but to do what she wants. I don’t even have a bed to sleep in tonight!
Grimly, she let Megan have her way.