‘We were a little wild,’ she conceded.

‘Maybe you still are?’

‘Maybe I am,’ she agreed, really warming to the theme as she acknowledged the hostile judgement in his voice. Because this felt familiar… Romano looking at her with nothing but censure gleaming from his black eyes. ‘Still the wild-child art student at heart.’

She saw a pulse begin to flicker at his temple.

‘And what about men?’ he continued softly.

‘I’m not sure I understand, Romano.’ She batted her eyelashes at him with exaggerated innocence. ‘What about them?’

‘There are…many?’

Kelly froze. It was probably the most insulting question he could have asked and she might have forgiven him, thinking that something had been lost in translation, were it not for the fact that his English was as good as hers. She wondered how he would react to the truth, which was that she barely had the time to actually date anyone, even if she ever met anyone she remotely fancied, which she never did. But she wasn’t going to come across as some sad loner, let alone an inexperienced virgin. Far better he continued to think of her as a brazen party girl—because wouldn’t that afford her some sort of immunity? Brushing her hair away from her face, she fixed him with a look of challenge. ‘What do you think?’

His mouth pleated. ‘I don’t think you’d care to hear my thoughts on the subject.’

‘Oh, do tell me. Please. I’m fascinated.’

‘If you must know, it wouldn’t surprise me to discover that you have acquired a multitude of men with whom to amuse yourself.’

‘An actual multitude,’ she repeated faintly.

‘Why not?’ His mouth hardened. ‘You are a very beautiful woman.’

It was the last thing she had expected to hear and Kelly’s hand shot to her neck, trying to conceal the sudden blooming of her skin. He’d said… She swallowed. He had actually said she was beautiful. And wasn’t it insane that the compliment somehow managed to cancel out the hateful remarks he’d made earlier? She could feel her nipples tightening beneath her velvet dress and suddenly she didn’t have a clue how to respond. Should she thank him and purr with pleasure, which was what she felt like doing? How did you respond to a compliment from your arch-enemy without losing face?

Until his next words drew her up short.

‘But I think you should be careful about your lifestyle choices,’ he continued remorselessly. ‘Because sooner or later, age will catch up with you.’

‘Age will catch up with me,’ she repeated.

‘Of course it will. And it’s not a good look, Kelly. Believe me. I’ve seen what happens to party girls. It takes its toll.’ He leaned back in his chair and studied her, his gaze cool and assessing. ‘The desperate moth who is drawn to the flame is bound to get its wings burned.’

‘Wow. And for a minute there I thought you were actually being nice to me.’ Kelly slammed down her fork. ‘Well, since you’ve rubbished me and my life, why don’t we shine the spotlight on yours?’

He shrugged. ‘Be my guest.’

She pushed her plate away. ‘Flo says you’re hardly ever here these days.’

‘So what? I have an estate manager who is perfectly capable of dealing with everything. I don’t personally have to pick the grapes or the olives, or go down to the meadows to milk the cows, or supervise the labelling of the wine, in order for the agricultural side of the Castelliari empire to thrive.’ His voice was low and mocking. ‘Logistically that might prove a little difficult since I also have a car factory in Turin as well as an international racing team to run.’

‘Which you were lucky enough to inherit—’

‘And which were both on the point of collapse when I took over,’ he interjected icily.

‘Yes, you turned them around.’ She held her palms up in mock appeal. ‘I concede. Not just a privileged rich boy, then.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘Your point being what, exactly?’

‘That you’re a jet-setter, Romano—certainly not a gentleman farmer. You live life in the fast lane. What right do you have to warn me about burning the candle at both ends when you do exactly the same? You’re always being pictured coming out of nightclubs all over the world. So it’s a bit rich you making snide comments about the number of men I’m supposedly dating, particularly when you’re never pictured with the same woman twice.’

The dark gleam of his gaze became thoughtful. ‘You seem to know a lot about my life, Kelly.’

‘It’s not rocket science. There are pictures of you splashed all over the Internet.’

‘Which you naturally spend a lot of time studying?’