‘I have no idea where Floriana was intending to put you, but there are a number of guest rooms on the second floor available,’ he continued. ‘Any preferences as to which one you’d like?’
Indignation rode to her rescue, dragging her attention away from her aching breasts. ‘How would I know?’ she demanded. ‘Last time I was here I was made to sleep in a local hotel—presumably because I wasn’t considered good enough to stay in your precious castle!’
There was a pause as their gazes clashed. ‘I think we both know I was trying to keep you away from my sister as much as possible.’
‘Even though, as her bridesmaid, I was supposed to be on hand at all times?’
‘I didn’t like your influence over her.’ His black eyes glittered. ‘And it seems my judgement was entirely correct, since you encouraged her to run away the night before her wedding, jilting the man she was supposed to marry and bringing shame and dishonour on the entire Castelliari family.’
‘Surely her happiness was more important than the reputation of the family?’ she protested. ‘And I didn’t influence her at all. The whole thing was her idea.’
‘You could have stopped her,’ he ground out. ‘You could have come to me.’
Kelly stilled. ‘Why would I do that? Not only were you the last person I would ever turn to for advice—she was being offered up like some ancient sacrifice to an older, richer man!’
‘Stop being so melodramatic,’ he snapped. ‘Count Alphonso de Camino would have made an excellent husband. He would have provided for her. Unlike her current one.’
Kelly heard the criticism implicit in his tone. ‘But Floriana is happy with Max,’ she defended.
‘And for how long?’ he retorted. ‘She won’t stay happy unless she has some money.’
‘So give them some!’
‘You think I haven’t tried?’ he demanded. ‘But not only is he poor—he is proud. It is the worst possible combination.’
She stared into his dark and brooding features. ‘Did you really want her to marry a man she didn’t love?’ she whispered.
At this he tensed, his powerful body growing still. ‘Please. Do not speak to me oflove,’ he said, his voice filled with venom. ‘It’s nothing but a lazy word for lust—which screws up people’s lives if they’re stupid enough to believe in it.’
‘And you don’t.’
‘Of course I don’t,’ he answered scornfully.
‘What acynicyou are, Romano,’ she breathed and was about to turn away when his expression stopped her. Startled her. And suddenly she couldn’t tear her gaze away. Because he looked…
Kelly swallowed. Everything about Romano Castelliari seemed like a contradiction in that moment. Like ice and fire. Like need and contempt. His features were stamped with bitterness. Impatience, too—probably because a little nobody like her had the temerity to speak to a powerful billionaire in such a way. But she saw something else as he followed the movement of her hair falling back down to her shoulders, like a man who had just been hypnotised against his will. Something in his eyes, which echoed the molten rush of longing which was gathering low in her belly. Heat began to flood through her pelvis, filling her with unfamiliar hunger and frustration, making her want to grind her hips against his and ask him to…beg him to…
Her throat dried. How was it possible to want someone you hated so much?
To want him to touch you so badly that your life felt as if it would be incomplete if he didn’t?
She knew he still blamed her for her part in what had happened. Floriana’s carefully choreographed wedding to the middle-aged count had never happened—mainly because the bride-to-be had run away in the middle of the night, aided and abetted by Kelly. And Kelly had been at her side when Floriana had married Max, the man she’d loved for so long. Emotions had been understandably raw for a long time afterwards, which probably explained why Floriana and Max’s first baby had been baptised in a low-key family ceremony, to which Kelly had most definitelynotbeen invited.
But that was all in the past. Now they had an adorable baby girl and the couple were determined that Kelly should be Allegra’s godmother. Things had moved on, tempers had cooled and they were all grown-ups, weren’t they?
Surely she could manage to be civil to the brooding billionaire for one short weekend of her life.
But it wasn’t easy when he was looking at her like that. Making her skin feel too tight for her body. Making her want things she had no right to want. Not from him.
She licked her dry lips. ‘Weren’t you about to show me my room?’
Imperiously, he inclined his dark head and somehow the sensual spell he had woven was broken.
‘Come with me.’
She followed him up the sweeping staircase, remembering how unwelcoming she’d always found this huge castle. How she had never really fitted in. Because she was different, she’d always known that. She wasn’t like them. Floriana had money and class and connections going back centuries, while she, Kelly, had nothing.
Trying to keep up with his long-legged stride, they reached the second floor where, at the end of a long corridor adorned with faded silk rugs, he halted in front of a door and pushed it open.