‘Any time,’ he said, and his low voice held understanding. ‘In-laws...what are you to do? Though actually mine are pretty terrific.’ His glance slid to his wife, who was talking animatedly, gesticulating as she spoke. ‘I really got lucky. I was on my way to... Well, let’s just say that Allie is one in a million.’
Clemmie smiled, her heart aching as she wondered wistfully what it would be like to have someone feel that you were his one in a million.
The actor cleared his throat. ‘So, how long are you here for?’
‘Not long. I need to be back at work on Friday.’
Back to real life, which would be a natural cut-off point for their fake engagement.
Her reply had coincided with a lull in the conversation around the table and all eyes swivelled her way.
Aria Perez responded for her.
‘She works in alibrary,’ she announced, as if she was revealing a guilty secret.
‘You’re a librarian?’ asked Rob.
‘A library assistant,’ she said. Then, because the American’s interest seemed genuine, she added, ‘It suits me. And I love books, which helps.’
He joined in her laughter.
‘The library is a real community hub. We have a group of “silver surfers” who meet up, craft sessions, story sessions for nursery kids... It can get a bit noisy. Sadly, for some people, it’s just a place to come to stay warm.’
‘Do you intend to carry on working when you get married?’
Caught off guard, she struggled to hide her embarrassment and glanced across the table to Joaquin.
‘That is still under discussion,’ he inserted smoothly, directing an intimate look towards Clemmie that was clearly intended for their audience, not her, but which made her heart flip anyhow.
‘I’m sure your expertise would be an asset for Joaquin’s literacy project.’
The actor flashed a questioning look across at Joaquin, who nodded.
‘That had occurred to me. She’s actually already helped a lot with ideas when I was launching the programme.’
‘So, you two have known each other...?’
‘I rescued Clemmie from a tree when she was eight and I was ten. She kicked me for my efforts.’
The American gave a delighted chuckle. ‘So you were childhood sweethearts? I love it!’
At the end of the table Aria, in a voice that was penetrating enough to cut across all conversation, deliberately took centre stage as she launched into a long and detailed description of all the charities she supported. Clemmie relaxed slightly. It seemed to that Aria had run out of spiteful things to say.
‘Of course, red hair is actually a genetic mutation...’
Clemmie couldn’t repress a laugh. That would teach her to be an optimist.
‘A very beautiful mutation,’ Joaquin corrected, coming to stand behind her chair and addressing the room at large.
His caressing tone sent a shiver of helpless longing down her spine. She stood as he pulled the chair out for her, and then she felt one hand remain on the back as he leant down to speak to Rob, who was still seated.
Clemmie looked around the room, congratulating herself on having survived the evening with her temper intact.
Most people had left their seats, and there was a general rash of air-kissing, along with a few unsteady staggers from those who had partaken a little too generously when the port had been passed around the table. They made her smile.
It was a smile that became tinged with cynicism when she saw Aria Perez, still enjoying her role as hostess, surrounded by guests and lapping up the attention.
Joaquin was still deep in conversation with Rob. Had she imagined she would be able to get back to his suite without getting hopelessly lost, she would have tried.