‘I don’t have any secrets.’
‘You never revealed you wanted to kiss me!’
She lifted her chin. His taunt felt like a slap—a piece of deliberate cruelty. ‘Been there, done that, and burnt the tee shirt!’
‘Look, we both know that you’re not comfortable with lies—’
‘You make me sound like a freak! And that wasn’t a lie!’ she said, finding that she couldn’t not look at his mouth when she said that.
‘Freak? I wouldn’t go that far. But it does limit you in normal everyday life. You must realise that at some point your mum will see past your telling herI’m in Spain, Mum, having a great timeand will come rushing back. However, if youarein Spain?’
‘You are not seriously suggesting...?’ She gave a disbelieving laugh.
He didn’t laugh back. He just shrugged. ‘Why not?’
‘Think of it as a dirty weekend, if that helps.’
‘It doesn’t. You just want to use me to get back at your mother.’
‘I am happy for you to use me back—especially if you are sitting naked in my bed. And you can’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy a little payback for what she said about your mum.’
‘I suppose...’
‘That’s settled, then.’
‘What time did you say to Mum we’d drop in?’
‘I left that open, so there’s no rush,’ he said, catching hold of the sheet she was still holding and dragging it down to reveal her unfettered breasts before leaping into the bed.
‘Do you mind? It’s cold!’
‘I’ll soon warm you up,’ he promised, lifting the sheet in a billowing tent above his head and letting it settle over them as he slid down beside her.
ITWASN’TJUSTthe jaw-dropping luxury of Joaquin’s private plane that struck her, it was the casual way he treated travelling in such luxury. She had only ever seen him on her home turf previously, but this was a glimpse into the life of a very different Joaquin, who enjoyed a lifestyle that few did.
A lifestyle she had been granted a peek into.
Don’t get used to it,the voice in her head cautioned.
‘You have gone very quiet,’ he said.
She turned in her seat, pushing her head into the soft leather to look at him. ‘Have I?’
‘Well, you haven’t babbled for at least five minutes.’
‘Sorry. I’ll try and be sophisticated and blasé the next time I fly on a private jet. I know it’s like catching a bus for you, but this is my first.’
He stared at the lips that had delivered all the sensual delight he had imagined they would. ‘You’re fitting a lot of firsts in.’
His comment sent the heat to her cheeks. ‘Have you ever caught a bus?’
He gave crack of laughter. ‘Yes, several times.’
‘Like royalty? With a security team sitting two rows back?’ She paused before adding, ‘I assume you do have security?’