‘All the travel...’ she said, her voice a little breathless. ‘I must have messed up the days with the pill.’

‘It doesn’t sound like a mess to me. It sounds perfect.’

Aston had never thought he could be happier than when he’d first woken this morning. How wrong he’d been. Today he’d finally be letting go of his brother’s life. In about nine months, he and Ana would be welcoming a new one into the world. The universe had clearly kept some surprises for him up her wily sleeve.

Ana quirked her perfect mouth, giving him sly little smile. ‘You’re not afraid this will curb our future adventures?’

Aston looked out over the mountains, their towering, snow-capped peaks gleaming in the morning sunshine.

See, Michel? I’m living... Just as I promised you.

The whole day seemed to brighten around him.

‘Mon amour...’Aston tightened his arms round Ana, holding her close. Holding her to his heart, the one she’d filled to overflowing with love. His, always and for ever. ‘My life with you is the only adventure I’ll ever need.’