He filled her to the hilt. Long and hard and deep, and Kelly moaned as he began to move inside her. And this time there was no pain or shock or accusation. This time it was all about pleasure and she happily gave herself up to it. Sensation swamped her as the heat began to build, the ripples growing stronger and stronger as he orchestrated her response. He was velvet and steel. Carnal yet experienced. Powerful and passionate, his delving kiss only adding to her sensual overload. Higher and higher he took her, the deft thrust of his hips making it so that she could barely think or move or breathe. And then it was happening all over again. Sweet spasms convulsed her, jack-knifing through her body, and she was aware of his own urgent cry as he bucked inside her. And somehow that simultaneous orgasm—because, of course, that was what it was—felt like the most amazing thing which had ever happened to her. Was that why she choked back a little sob, because in that moment she felt so overwhelmed by emotion?

He lifted his head to stare down at her and something like ice entered his black eyes. ‘Please don’t cry,’ he said roughly and rolled away from her.

‘I’m not crying!’

‘Good. Because tears leave me cold.’

The spell was broken, his cruel candour shattering her illusion and momentarily taking her breath away. But she couldn’t accuse him of raising her hopes, could she? He wasn’t doing anything different from what he had projected he would do. This was all about pragmatism, not fantasy—so shouldn’t she match his emotionless attitude, if only to keep her pride intact? ‘So now what?’ she questioned, her deliberate air of insouciance making her voice sound casual.

He turned to look at her, the relief in his gaze apparent before his lips curved with faint amusement. ‘We fall asleep,’ he said, stifling a yawn. ‘And then I wake you. Or you wake me—traditionally by rolling those luscious curves against me to make me very, very hard—and we do it all over again. We repeat that as many times as it takes before we decide we’re hungry or thirsty, or both, and one of us gets out of bed to go and find us something to eat and drink—which will probably be you.’

‘That’s a very sexist remark, Romano.’

‘I don’t deny it. Although, if you remember, I have actually cooked for you before.’ His black eyes glittered as if he were being reluctantly forced to acknowledge the subtext of her question. ‘Are you asking for a timetable, Kelly? Do you want to know how long this will last? Because I can’t tell you that. I can’t tell you anything other than at some point it will end. So…if you’re seeking permanence or a ring on your finger…if you want to change your mind and walk out of here, then, please, be my guest.’

Kelly met the challenge which gleamed from his ebony gaze, recognising this as a make-or-break moment. They weren’t the easiest words to hear, but he hadn’t said anything she didn’t already know. Yes, of course, she could coolly announce that she’d had second thoughts and know he would watch her walk away and not make the slightest effort to change her mind. He might even admire her more if she had the courage and the pride to do that. But why cut her nose off to spite her face when she wanted him so badly? She bit her lip. As long as she accepted that there was to be no fairy-tale ending, she would be okay. Shehadto be okay. ‘I don’t want to change my mind.’

‘Good,’ he purred and pulled her back into his arms.

She traced the shadowed line of his jaw. ‘But I meant what I said, about you teaching me everything you know.’

‘So that another man will one day benefit from my expertise?’

‘I guess that’s the logical conclusion.’ She raised her eyebrows. ‘Surely you don’t expect me to live like a nun for the rest of my life, just because you don’t want me? And there’s no point scowling at me like that, Romano. I’m just trying to be honest with you.’ She hesitated. ‘Will you be the same with me?’

He gave a short laugh. ‘I thought I had been.’

‘Not honest enough. I feel like I hardly know you.’

There was a pause. ‘That sounds very much like an ultimatum,’ he offered silkily.

‘Not really. I just…’ She hesitated. ‘I don’t want to feel as if I’m in bed with a stranger.’

‘But you know me better than a great many people, Kelly.’

‘Maybe I do, but there’s so much I don’t know.’

‘Like what?’ he questioned.

She could hear the note of warning in his voice and thought about choosing her words carefully, but there was no way of sugar-coating them—and wasn’t it dishonest to even try? He seemed to think he could get away with saying all these cold and horrible things without having to justify them to anyone—and wasn’t it time he did?

‘I’m curious aboutwhyyou distrust women so much,’ she said slowly. ‘Why you’re so dead set against marriage and having children to carry on your line. I don’t understand why you neglect this beautiful castle, but can’t seem to let it go. Why, Romano?’ She sucked in a deep breath, her gaze taking in the suddenly rapid rising and falling of his powerful chest. ‘Won’t you tell me?’ she finished quietly.


KELLY’S QUESTION HUNGin the air like a guillotine and for a second Romano was tempted to move away from the blade’s sharp reach. To shove aside the rumpled bedding and peel himself away from her naked body and put as much physical distance between them as possible. Because that was his default reaction whenever this kind of interrogation occurred. He always preferred to walk away rather than confront emotional demons, or answer intrusive questions.

But for once he didn’t want to leave the cushioned satin of her delectable body. He liked the way he was lying, with those abundant curls splayed across his chest and her soft breasts pressing against him. He wasn’t just feeling sexually replete, he was also feeling unusually…comfortable. And not only was the concept of comfort unfamiliar to him, it was never a trait he associated with any of his lovers.

But that was the thing about Kelly, wasn’t it? She broke the mould, defying his best attempts to categorise her. Forbidden to him for many years—firstly, because of her age, and then because of his perception about the kind of person she really was. And when at last he had been unable to resist her, all his preconceived ideas had been blown out of the water when he’d discovered her innocence…

Which she had kept from him.

Yet his anger at having been tacitly deceived by her had faded, especially since she’d told him about her mother’s bitterness towards men- which went some way towards explaining Kelly’s own behaviour. And wasn’t he fast discovering a primitive and previously unknown side of himself, which was positivelyrevellingin the fact that he was her first and only lover?

But that posed its own particular danger, for he had zero experience of virgins. Wasn’t there a chance she might fixate on him or grow to idealise him? To see him as the answer to her dreams, despite his stern warnings to the contrary? He knew who he was and was cynical enough to comprehend that his hard body, keen intellect and colossal fortune more than made up for the fact that he had a heart of stone, which was why women fell for him in droves.

He didn’t want to hurt her. Even he wasn’t cruel enough to do that. She had told him plainly that she knew the score. That she accepted him for who he was. Yet hadn’t he looked into her bright eyes a couple of minutes ago, past the shimmer of the tears she had indignantly denied, and seen something else? A flicker of affection, which could easily assume a rampant life of its own if he fanned the flames. Wouldn’t the ugly truth cut those burgeoning feelings down to size, like the sweeping scythe which decimated a field of ripe wheat?