‘Make the most of it, it may not last.’
He laughed softly as he pulled the tunic top over her head, causing the red curls to tumble down around her shoulders as she stood before him clad in nothing but her underwear. Suddenly it felt as if his throat were composed of nothing but dust, yet swallowing gave him no relief. Was it the way her lashes shuttered to shield her incredible eyes in an expression which was close to shy which made her look so unbelievably provocative? And yet, there wasn’t a whisper of silk or lace in sight, so how come…?
‘You look delectable,’ he breathed raggedly.
‘D-do I?’
‘Utterly.’ He whispered his fingertips over her bra, puzzled as to how she could transform such a functional garment into something so tantalising. Maybe because her breasts were spilling out over the black fabric like two generous scoops of ice cream and the curve of her hips was emphasised by the plain panties.
‘Now you must…undress me,’ he instructed unevenly.
‘Please, Kelly.’
Kelly nodded because the raw need in his voice was stupidly flattering, as was her suspicion that the wordpleasedidn’t often pass the lips of Romano Castelliari. Lips which were currently kissing the top of her neck in a way which felt…
A man like this would never be helpless.
Her heart was racing as she pushed the black leather jacket from his shoulders and let it slide to the floor. Next came the dark shirt, which she tugged open to reveal the olive silk of his ripped torso. The shirt joined the jacket as her fingers moved tentatively towards his jeans because, in truth, shewasrather daunted by the thought of taking them off. But wasn’t there a bigger part of her which was eager to learn how to please him? She hesitated for no more than a moment before sliding the zip down over his formidable hardness.
‘Your fingers are very nimble,’ he groaned.
‘Well, I do make jewellery for a living,’ she replied pertly, as his erection nudged against her hand through the black silk of his boxers and, instinctively, she began to circle her palm over the rocky bulge.
‘Don’t do that,’ he groaned.
He shook his head as he removed her hand, swiftly disposing of her bra and panties before removing his own shorts with equal efficiency. And now they were both naked and some tiny vestige of wounded pride prompted Kelly to ask why he’d changed his mind about having sex with her again, but something stopped her. Because mightn’t that make him reflect on the wisdom of this and mightn’t he change it right back again? And she couldn’t bear that. No, she couldn’t.
His skin was warm as he tumbled them down on the bed and she lay back against the pillows like a willing sacrifice as his glittering gaze raked over her in a way which was making her tremble. Because she wanted this. No.Neededthis. Her body felt as if it would crumble if he didn’t make love to her again. Yet she was clinging to the hope—or was it fear?—that it couldn’t possibly be as good as last time. And if it wasn’t—if it had been a fluke—then surely that would put everything into perspective. Wouldn’t it enable her to stop thinking about him and stop wanting him so much? She would put it down to experience and be able to walk away.
It wasn’t a fluke.
Kelly realised that from the moment he started stroking her, and with luxuriously slow precision began to massage her nipples. The exquisitely sensitive flesh puckered on top of each engorged mound. She could hear her breathing quicken as he drifted his fingertips downwards, lingering a little on the swell of her belly before tangling themselves in the silken curls at the apex of her thighs. She held her breath as finally he located the place where all her nerve-endings seemed centred and began to beat a delicate tattoo on the tiny, sensitised bud. Pleasure and frustration merged into one potent shot and, writhing urgently, she gasped, her need for release growing stronger by the second. For a while it was enough, until suddenly it was no longer enough and her eyelashes fluttered open to find him watching her. Watching her reaction.
What did he see in her face as he slipped his finger inside her? A slow smile curved his lips as it came away slick and wet and she was shocked and thrilled when he actuallylickedit.
‘You come very quickly when I do this,’ he observed, almost clinically. ‘But I want to be inside you.’
This too sounded like the antithesis of romance but Kelly didn’t care. No point in chasing after something which didn’t exist, and she was so pent-up with longing that she couldn’t think of anything other than what he was going to do next.
‘What are you waiting for, then?’ she whispered, instinctively spreading her thighs for him, and he groaned as he reached for a condom.
And now she watchedhim—watched in rapt interest as he sheathed himself with hands which weren’t quite steady, observing the incredible tension which was shadowing his chiselled features. ‘Are youtryingto unsettle me?’ he demanded.
‘How am I doing that?’
‘By looking at me with those big eyes. Making me—’
‘Making you what?’ she whispered as he moved over her.
‘It doesn’t matter,’ he growled.