‘You make me sound like an old banger...’

That drew a laugh from him, which faded as his dark glance slid over the lissom curves of her body, awakening in him an ache he could no longer pretend was not constant.

I’ve already had a load of tests,’ she sighed out.

‘That was the bargain. Your mum has more faith in the medical establishment than you do. It will make her less anxious.’


‘TRUE,’SHEADMITTEDat the reminder. ‘But it won’t make me remember, will it? What if I never remember?’

She couldn’t keep the fear out of her voice as she saw a void of utter loneliness opening up in front of her.

The anguish on her face made things twist in his chest, and the unaccustomed feeling of helplessness made him struggle for a response.

‘There are a few things in my life I wouldn’t mind forgetting...’

‘Oh? Like falling out of a nightclub drunk or losing your phone? I’m not talking about that I’m talking about... It’s like losing a part of yourself, if that makes any sense.’

‘It does—and I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to make light of your experience, but you will make new memories.’

‘Together?’ She flushed. ‘I mean...’

‘I’ll do anything I can to help.’

His jaw was taut as he brought the car to a gravel-spitting halt on the forecourt of the manor. In the gloom it glowed, the stone facade honey-gold.

As he switched off the engine the light-activated spotlights burst into life. Beside him he felt Clemmie’s sigh.

‘It is beautiful,’ she said, staring up at the three-storey building, with its mullioned and transomed windows. The sight of it always affected her on a visceral level.

‘You love this place, don’t you?’ he said.

‘I never get tired of this view,’ she admitted, unwilling to admit out loud that the connection she felt to her old home made her feel close to her sister. She gave a self-conscious little shrug. ‘Especially since your mother spot-lit it.’

‘And ruined the dark sky view.’

Her smile was tired, and so far from the usual fearless and confrontational Clemmie that he experienced a heart-clenching moment of protective tenderness.

She had always touched a part of him that no other woman had—none could. Without Clemmie in his life that part of him might have died years ago.

‘You’re tired.’ He reached out his fingertips, touching the bruise on her cheek.

She shivered. ‘Post head injury fatigue, apparently.’

Maybe that was why she couldn’t stop thinking about putting her head on his shoulder, which was so temptingly close.

They were engaged. It would be the most natural thing in the world to react to the impulse and feel his arms circle her, his fingers in her hair. She’d close her eyes and breathe in the clean male scent of him...

They were engaged.

No matter how many times she thought it, it didn’t seem real—and yet at the same time it felt so right.

Frustration bubbled up inside her. How could shenotknow, not remember? Not remember being kissed or...?

Her glance drifted to his mouth...the firm, sensual line of his lips. Why should she feel guilty for staring? It wasn’t as if she’d woken up and found herself engaged to a total stranger. She’d woken up and found herself engaged to her best friend.

How had it happened?