‘And if he is will you mind that?’

Her brows drew into a frowning line over the bridge of her small, neat nose. ‘Why would I mind? I don’t want him to be another loser.’

‘Well, you and your mum have always been a team.’

‘I’m not jealous, if that’s what you are suggesting, I’m just...’

‘Own it—you don’t like sharing.’

‘I hate seeing my mum hurt.’

‘She hasn’t allowed experience to make her bitter. She is a warm, open woman who—’

‘Unlike me, you mean.’

He swore under his breath. ‘What is it with you today, Clemmie? You are so touchy.’

‘It’s not me. It’s you and your...’

Her voice trailed away. The truth was that although she had always been aware of the male aura he projected, she had never been so skin-peelingly focussed on it, and the anticipation of how it was going to feel in the enclosed space of the interior of the car did not improve her mood.

She inhaled and pinned on a forced smile. ‘Sorry. It’s been a long day. I do want Mum to be happy, but I hate her being unhappy. I just wish she wouldn’t do it to herself.’

‘I know, Clemmie, but you can’t expect her to be celibate.’

Some of us manage quite well.

Clemmie shook her head. ‘I know that, but why would anyone put themselves out there like that? Risk having their heart stomped on? You know, sometimes I understand totally why people go for anonymous sex. It doesn’t have the power to hurt.’

‘I agree. But though it’s great in the short term, it can get a bit bland and samey. It can leave you with a hunger for something just out of reach.’

She stared as he slid into the driver’s seat.

After a pause he murmured, ‘Take it from someone who knows.’

Things had only just got back to normal and he was talking about sex... How did that happen?

She shifted uneasily in her seat and turned her head sharply, as if the cars they were passing were fascinating, after a moment redirecting the conversation into safer channels.

‘So whyareyou here? Shouldn’t you be in Spain, for the traditional Perez anniversary celebrations?’

‘I should.’

She glanced curiously at his profile, taking in the tautness of his jaw. ‘Have you fallen out?’

‘I have never fallen in.’

She grunted, well able to understand this. ‘Your mum is a bit of a cow...’ Her eyes widened. ‘I said that out loud, didn’t I? Sorry.’

‘No apologies necessary for speaking the truth. She is.’

‘They still think you are their route to Perez immortality?’

‘I am not interested in immortality.’ His eyes briefly flickered her way. ‘The name ends with me.’

‘You might change your mind when you meet—’

‘Not you too!’ he exploded in irritation. ‘I will never change my mind. Marriage and happy-for-ever-after is not on my five-year plan,’ he mocked.