“You couldn’t wait until I left the bathroom?” I ask.
He cracks a small smile, and that’s when I finally understand what Cade was trying to keep me from.
“I couldn’t have your puppy breathing down your neck,” he says in a sinister tone. It sounds like he’s spitting venom. “I mean, what do you even see in that guy? He has women fawning over him constantly. And why? Because he has money? I never took you to be like one of them, Sloane,” he says, suddenly sounding more erratic as he continues to walk closer to me, forcing me to back up against the stall door.
I swallow hard. “Like what?”
“You know what I’m getting at, but it doesn’t have to be that way,” he says as I feel the door against my back. I take a deep breath, trying to stay grounded despite my rising anxiety. He has me cornered, and there’s no one else in here to help me.
“You’ve been the one sending me those letters,” I whisper to him as he gets closer without actually touching me. He’s keeping his distance just enough so he can keep me trapped here, but not enough to overstep.
“Of course, my dear,” he says silkily. “Who else will keep you inspired? Cade Hart? That guy wouldn’t know a Picasso from a Dali. But us artistic souls, we’d know it if it was described to us with our eyes closed.” He reaches out to run a finger along a strand of my hair.
“Why?” I ask, and he chuckles like it should be obvious.
“We’re meant for each other, Sloane. I knew it the moment youmade Stop to Grin.”
I shake my head, batting away his hand. “You’re sick.”
He blinks, taken aback by the force of my words.
“I was seventeen when I made that!” I point out.
“And now you’re a grown woman,” he counters, like that should matter. I raise my hands between us to create more distance, but he just stares at me, unmoved.
God, I wish Cade was here.
“Whatever you think is going to happen between us won’t,” I tell him.
His face twists into a sneer. “Why? It was easy for you to spread your legs for a man ten years your senior, so why not twenty?”
I slap him out of pure adrenaline, standing taller as he clutches his cheek. He’s clearly in shock that I’d strike him, but I’m so tired of being the victim.
“You will never understand because you’re blinded by your ego and self-righteousness,” I spit. “I am my own person. You may have helped shape me into a better artist, and for that I will thank you, but you do not hold claim to me.” As I speak, he stands up straighter, dropping his hand to expose the red mark on his cheek.
“Imadeyou, and I can easily break you,” he states, grabbing my wrists.
His grip is tight, and I hiss, but I don’t scream. He attempts to twist them in a way that could easily break them. Tears start tostream down my face as I keep them rooted in place, despite how painful his grip is. As soon as I start to lose my strength, the door flies open and Cade comes barreling in.
He tugs Theo back by his collar and slams him into the adjacent wall face-first before pulling out a zip tie and fastening it around his wrists.
“You won’t get away with this. I’ll sue you for all your worth,” Theo chokes out as Cade pulls him back to look him in the eyes.
“I’d rethink that plan. RVPD is already at your home. I’m sure the DA will love to hear what they uncover.”
Mike comes in and takes Theo out of the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye, Theo chances another look at me, but I keep my gaze averted.
Suddenly, I feel a warm embrace engulf me, and I bury myself in Cade’s arms. He presses a kiss to the top of my head as tears stream down my cheeks again.
“It’s over, Sloane,” he soothes me.
But is it?
Chapter twenty-five
We stand at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to come, and I feel a wave of sadness wash over me. After securing Theo, the reception continued without issues. When it ended, Sloane and I went to the police station for her to give her statement.